Chapter 647 Recruitment ([-])
"What? You said that you tested before, and your fusion degree with Tao was only 20.00% six? When did you test it? Have you taken any natural materials to enhance the fusion with Tao from the last test until today? Treasure?" Liu Hong has been paying attention to Wukong and the others, Liu Hong is standing only a few hundred meters away from Wukong and the others, such a short distance, even if Wukong and the others whisper, they can still hear clearly with Liu Hong's cultivation base. What's more, Wukong and the others speak a lot, especially Zhang Yi's voice is even more loud, so he can hear the conversations of Wukong and the others clearly.

Liu Hong's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Zhang Yi the next moment. He asked Zhang Yi excitedly, and almost grabbed Zhang Yi's arm to ask.

Not only Liu Hong heard it, but many people nearby heard it. Of course, Liu Hong made such a fuss, and everyone focused their attention on Zhang Yi.

"What? The fusion degree is only 20.00% and the six is ​​left. Isn't it only the fusion degree of at least 20.00% that is the nine?" Someone immediately questioned.

"Could it be cheating? Unfair?" Many people protested.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong, is there an error in the transmission, or an error in the test?" Ye Zhantian and others were also very puzzled.

"Quiet me." Liu Hong roared, and everyone fell silent immediately.

But there are still people who are not afraid of Liu Hong. Ye Zhantian stood up and asked Liu Hong on behalf of everyone: "Brother Liu, what's wrong with you? Why are you so excited?"

"Brother Ye, wait a moment. You should know who I am. I will never cheat for personal gain, or I would not be selected for the test. I will explain to you after I ask clearly." Liu Hong calmed down a little Then he turned around and said to Ye Zhantian.

"Okay, we'll wait for you for a while." Ye Zhantian thought for a while, then nodded and said.

Liu Hong has already talked about this, and Ye Zhantian also agreed to wait until Liu Hong finished asking, so the others have nothing to say, they can only wait and see what happens.

"Little friend, can you answer the question I just asked?" Turning around, he continued to ask Zhang Yi.

"Senior Qi, before I came here, I tested twice ten years ago and one year ago, and the results of both tests were 20.00% fusion. Since the last test until today, I have not taken any increase Of course, I haven’t encountered any adventures against the heavens to increase my fusion with Tao.” Zhang Yi said very sincerely and respectfully.

"What? How is this possible? Impossible, I can't test wrong! No, I will test you again." Liu Hong said a little nervously.

After speaking, Liu Hong pointed at Zhang Yi, and a light door appeared in an instant, which was the light door that tested the contestants from all major forces before.

"You walk through this light gate." Liu Hong then said to Zhang Yi.

"En." Zhang Yi nodded, and then walked towards Guangmen.

At this moment, the scene became very quiet, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Zhang Yi, wanting to see what the hell Liu Hong was doing.

The moment Zhang Yi walked through Guangmen, Guangmen also reported the test results of Zhang Yi: "The fusion degree of Taoism is 50.00% four."

"Hiss!" Hearing this result, everyone gasped and looked at Zhang Yi in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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