Chapter 648 Recruitment (Seventeen)
Even Wukong and the others were moved when they heard it. The fusion rate reached 30.00% before. In this Qingfeng Town, they belonged to peerless geniuses that were rarely seen in a few Hongmeng years. Now Zhang Yi's fusion rate with Dao is as high as 50.00%. It is too much higher than Shen Yunfei.

Everyone was stunned, completely unresponsive.

"Hahahaha, I knew I didn't make a mistake in the test. Although I don't know why your integration with Tao has increased so much, in fact your integration with Tao has indeed reached such a high level." Liu Hong took the lead to break Looking at this silent scene, I saw Liu Hong laughing wildly.

Zhang Yi's test results immediately made everyone understand why Liu Hong was so excited. His integration with the Dao reached 50.00%.

Ye Zhantian and others also understood that Liu Hong did not make a mistake in transmission, let alone a test mistake, and of course he would not cheat. Just now, Liu Hong's test on Zhang Yi again could be conducted under the supervision of a dozen of them. Liu Hong absolutely Can't cheat.

When the situation happened just now, Ye Zhantian and the others would of course keep a close eye on Zhang Yi when he tested Zhang Yi again. There were at least five people present who were stronger than Liu Hong, so Liu Hong couldn't cheat at all.

Liu Hong didn't cheat, so it means that Zhang Yi's integration with Dao has indeed reached 50.00%. Give him benefits when he is not rich, and win over Zhang Yi.

After Zhang Yi becomes stronger, with Zhang Yi's help, the power he belongs to will definitely become stronger in the true sense in the future, at least it will not remain silent in this small Qingfeng Town forever.

Ye Zhantian and others understood the amazing news that Liu Hong said before that could make Qingfeng Taoist temple rise. This is how to make Qingfeng Taoist temple rise. If Zhang Yi grows up, even Qingfeng Town can rise with his help.

Immediately, except for Wukong, Zhang Yi, and Liu Hong, who was still in a state of excitement, everyone else took action.

People from various forces are passing on Zhang Yi's news to their respective forces through the magic weapon of communication, and those casual cultivators are planning how to build a good relationship with Zhang Yi.

However, there is one exception, that is another Supreme Daoist from the No.11 peak, Yaoguang Peak, who secretly used his magical powers to prevent everyone from sending out the news here, including of course the dozen or so Supreme Daoists who blocked the top ten forces. strong.

In the end, it was really stopped by him, and everyone immediately found that they could not send out messages, and the messages they sent were blocked by a strong force.

"Zhu Lao, what do you mean?" Ye Zhantian found a powerful force preventing him from sending the message, and immediately guessed who stopped him.

"Old Zhu, why did you stop me from sending the message?" Others also found out who blocked them from sending the message, and immediately questioned the old Zhu from Yaoguang Peak.

The movement above immediately attracted the attention of the students below, and those students who sent the message knew who was preventing them from sending the message.

"Everyone, you don't need to be like this. I asked Mr. Zhu to help prevent you from sending out the news." At this time, Liu Hong was not laughing, but turned around and said to Ye Zhantian and others.

Then Liu Hong respectfully said to Mr. Zhu, "Mr. Zhu, I was sorry to trouble you just now."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's a trivial matter." Zhu Lao said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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