Chapter 650 Selection ([-])

Threatened and stared at by Liu Hong, apart from Wukong and Zhang Yi, the other students immediately felt like a prick in their backs and throats. Yi Di, but they didn't feel the fierce light from Liu Hong's eyes, but felt a ray of admiration from it, so the five Wukongs didn't feel any discomfort, and the four Wukongs also understood what Liu Hong said. Who are the four super geniuses.

"Okay, don't threaten them anymore, I think Brother Ye and the others will arrange it later, right, everyone?" At this time, Zhu Lao stood up and said.

"Well, we will arrange it." Ye Zhantian and others nodded their promises.

Then Ye Zhantian continued: "Brother Liu, now you can tell me who the other four are, and how well do they integrate with the Tao?" Ye Zhantian's tone at this time was very excited and excited.

"Okay, I'll reveal it to you right away." Liu Hong nodded and said, then turned around and said to Wukong and the others: "You four should test it again, and walk through this gate of light."

"Huh! Could the other four be the four of them?"

"It seems that they know each other, and that Zhang Yi also seems to know them." All the students discussed.

"Quiet me." This time it was Ye Zhantian who shouted, and then Ye Zhantian said kindly to Wukong and the others: "Four friends, you can continue the test."

There was a sudden silence, and everyone quietly looked at Wukong and the others, wanting to see how evil they were.

After hearing what Liu Hong said, Wukong had already stepped towards Guangmen to start the test. As a result, other students talked a lot, and then Ye Zhantian stopped him, and then Ye Zhantian spoke to Wukong and the others, but all this Didn't interrupt Goku's march towards the light gate.

At this time, Wukong has already walked to the light gate first, and then passed through.

"The fusion degree of Taoism is 40.00%." ​​A loud voice sounded from the light gate.

Wukong's fusion of Taoism is not as high as Zhang Yi's, which is beyond the expectations of Zixia and Zhang Yi.

After all, they are so familiar with Wukong, Zixia and the others are full of absolute confidence in Wukong. The three of them have always believed that Wukong is top-notch, if not the most talented in the entire Hongmeng universe. , there is no Zhang Yigao.

When I heard Liu Hong say that, I thought the four of them were about the same as Zhang Yi. Although they didn't reach Zhang Yi's level of cultivation at Zhang Yi's age, it was because of the difference in the cultivation environment. When they came to the Sanctuary of Hongmeng, they The cultivation speed of Wukong has become much faster, it is unbelievably fast, so they think that their talents should be very high, but Wukong's test makes them feel a little unconfident again.

Although Zhang Yi and Wukong have not known each other for a long time, but since he learned that Wukong, who was only at the seventh level of the Dao at that time, defeated his third grandfather Zhang Yunxiao, you must know that Zhang Yunxiao is a Dzogchen cultivation base of the Dao, and his strength is compared to many Ordinary Dzogchen cultivators of the Dao are strong, but even so they were defeated. So far, Zhang Yi has admired Wukong very much. Of course, he also believes that Wukong's talent is much higher than his. He thought that his current talent should still be inferior to Wukong, but the result was beyond his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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