Chapter 651 Selection ([-])

"Phew." The other students breathed a sigh of relief at this time. As Liu Hong said just now, they also thought that Wukong's fusion of Taoism might be comparable to Zhang Yi's, but they didn't expect the gap to be so big, so much lower. .

This relieved them a lot. After all, having a genius who is much stronger than them is a great pressure for them. If there are another two, they will indeed be under a lot of pressure, but although they are relieved, but It wasn't much easier, after all, although Wukong's test results were much lower than Zhang Yi's, they were still much higher than them.

"Uh." Ye Zhantian and the others felt a little regretful. They hoped that there would be more super geniuses like Zhang Yi. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. However, 40.00% was already very high, and they were disappointed. It is also very happy.

Although they were a little surprised by Wukong's test, the three of Zixia only paused for a moment, and then immediately stepped towards the light gate.

Following Wukong through the gate of light was Zixia, followed by Qi Yanfeng and Yun Xuanling.

"The degree of integration of Taoism is 90.00%."

"The fusion degree of Taoism is 60.00% five."

"The fusion degree of Taoism is 80.00%."

"Hiss!" The test of Zixia's three people immediately shocked everyone, including Wukong and the others.

Wukong looked at the three of Zixia in disbelief, especially Zixia and Yun Xuanling.

After coming to Hongmeng Sanctuary, the cultivation environment improved, and the cultivation speed of Zixia and the others became faster, especially Zixia, whose cultivation speed was astonishingly fast.

Wukong originally guessed that Zixia and the three of them should have a high degree of Tao fusion, but he didn't expect it to be so high, no wonder they can practice so quickly.

Zixia and the others were also shocked by their test results, which were simply too unexpected.

The others were sluggish on the spot, including Ye Zhantian and other Supreme Dao powerhouses. Liu Hong knew the result a long time ago, so he didn't want everyone to be so shocked, but at this time he was smiling like a spring breeze.

"Ahem." Liu Hong coughed a few times before bringing everyone back to reality from the shock.

No wonder everyone was so shocked. After all, in the history of Qingfeng Town, peerless geniuses like Shen Yunfei who can achieve 30.00% fusion with Dao are definitely rare. In addition, there are only three Shen Yunfeis, and the other two They all belong to the mysterious mayor's mansion.

Wukong's 40.00% is absolutely unprecedented in the history of Qingfeng Town. In this genius era of Qingfeng Town, even Wukong, who only has a fusion degree of 40.00% for Dao, is absolutely shocking to everyone. Zhang Yi, who has a higher degree of integration with Tao.

Never expected that the test results of the three of Zixia would be so high, especially Zixia and Yun Xuanling, their talents can definitely be called top geniuses in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary, geniuses like them It is absolutely possible for any of the top forces in the Hongmeng Sanctuary to compete for training. The meaning is completely different. Such a genius actually appeared in Qingfeng Town. Suddenly, except for Wukong and the others, everyone else fantasized that Qingfeng Town, under the leadership of Zixia and the others, would become One of the strongest forces in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary, everyone's hearts were surging and they were very excited.

"90.00%, 80.00% one and 60.00% five, I heard you right, am I hallucinating, please slap me." Under Liu Hong's reminder, everyone also reacted, but some people still Unable to believe his ears, a student said blankly to another student next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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