Chapter 652 Selection ([-])

"Hahahaha, God bless me, Qingfeng Town!" A Supreme Taoist said with a loud laugh.

"This, how is this possible? This is absolutely not true." Shen Yunfei was also numb at this time. He originally thought that he was the most talented student this year, and even Shen Yunfei, the mysterious mayor's mansion, didn't pay attention to him, but he didn't expect One after another, there were people whose talents were higher than his own, and those who were far superior to him, especially two of them were definitely the top geniuses in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary. Compared with them, he was nothing. This huge gap made Shen Yunfei very sad. It's so bad that I don't want to believe it's true.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." After all, Ye Zhantian and others are considered supreme powerhouses who have seen the world, and they quickly returned to normal, and then Ye Zhantian said.

After everyone quieted down, Ye Zhantian's figure flashed and appeared in front of Wukong and the others. Since Wukong, Zixia, Yunxuanling, Qi Yanfeng and Zhang Yi all passed the same light gate test, they also stood at the same time. Together, Ye Zhantian said kindly to Wukong and the other five, and one could hear a hint of nervousness in his tone: "My friends, I am Ye Zhantian, the Supreme Elder of the Mayor's Mansion, and I am also the elder of the Eleventh Peak." The person in charge of Qinglong Peak, the strongest peak, I don’t know if a few friends are interested in joining the mayor’s mansion. Our mayor’s mansion will definitely give you the best training resources in Qingfeng Town. In the entire Qingfeng Town, there is only our mayor. The government can provide you with the best cultivation resources. It is no exaggeration to say that half of the best cultivation resources in Qingfeng Town are in our mayor's residence. In the entire Qingfeng Town, only our mayor's residence has the ability to provide for you future strong people. Lay the best foundation and pave the best road, not only you will be vigorously cultivated by us, but your relatives and friends will also be sheltered and helped by our mayor's mansion, how about the little friends?"

Ye Zhantian's benefits to win Wukong five people, of course he is also very confident, the benefits he throws out can definitely impress Wukong five people, although Wukong five people are very talented, but they are still very young, they are just potential stocks, not strong yet By.

Moreover, Ye Zhantian also saw the fate patterns of Wukong and Wukong just now, so it can be speculated that four of Wukong's five must have obtained the quota for the Qingfeng Taoist Temple through the regional competitions in the outer rings of the four major regions in the southeast, northwest, and perhaps not. For the people of influent forces, the fifth section of the outer ring is basically occupied by non-influential forces and nine-tier forces. There are few casual cultivators, so there are no regional competitions, and there are no regional competitions in the inner ring and central area, and only the outer ring There are regional competitions in the first, second, third, and fourth regions, and only people from that region can participate in the regional competitions, so those powerful people cannot get places through the regional competitions. It's just not in the mainstream.

Therefore, if Wukong and the others are powerful people, they can only be people who are not in the mainstream. Of course, they may also be casual cultivators, but no matter what kind of people they are, they are people without much background, and they will completely throw Ye Zhantian away. The benefits are tempting.

After all, being able to get the support of the mayor's mansion and the relatives and friends will also get the asylum of the mayor's mansion. In Ye Zhantian's subconscious mind, even the second-ranked Shen family will agree. Influence is full of absolute confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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