Chapter 658 Choice ([-])

"That's right, you don't like being restrained, so you should join Yaoguang Peak. Based on your test results, you will definitely be admitted to Yaoguang Peak. Alas, as for me, it is a bit difficult to choose." Zhang Yi said via voice transmission.

"You are worried that if you choose to control the Tianshu Peak managed by the Gongsun family in the area where the Zhang family is located, the other nine forces will secretly embarrass your Zhang family and even try to get rid of you because they did not get you." Wukong understood after thinking about it. What is Zhang Yi embarrassed about?

The Gongsun family, which ranks fifth among the top ten powers, controls the small area where the Zhang family is located. Wukong has known this for a long time. The ranking of powers is assigned. The order of the eleven peaks that Liu Hong mentioned before is actually based on the ranking, so the Gongsun family should manage the fifth peak, Tianshu Peak.

Although Liu Hong said earlier that joining a certain peak does not mean joining the force that manages that peak, but a super genius with Zhang Yi's qualifications is definitely the target of all forces vying for it. At this time, Zhang Yi chose to join a certain force The mountain in charge will definitely be recognized by other forces as he has chosen that faction, even if he chooses the mountain controlled by the faction that manages his area, this will make others think that he will eventually join that faction .

If he chooses a mountain controlled by other forces, it will be understood by other forces as his first choice to give up the mountain controlled by the force that manages his area and choose other peaks, then it means that he decided to join the peak he chose If Zhang Yi chooses Yaoguang Peak like Wukong, all the forces will think that since he is willing to betray his family and become a casual cultivator, such a person will probably not join any of their forces and will not be used by them Even if they train Zhang Yi for the overall situation of Qingfeng Town, maybe Zhang Yi will judge Qingfeng Town in the future. In this way, it is even worse to choose Yaoguang Peak, so no matter how Zhang Yi chooses, he will become the target of public criticism.

"Hehe, you can choose according to your own thinking, don't be influenced by the outside world, don't care what others think, live your own splendor, remember, your destiny is in your own hands." Wukong Echoed with a smile.

"Uh!" After Wukong said this, Zhang Yi suddenly fell silent. Soon, Zhang Yi figured it out, and raised his hand to choose one of the jade cards.

Then Zhang Yi smiled and said to Wukong: "Thank you, Wukong, you are right, my life is my decision, my path can only be chosen by myself, and my choice cannot be affected by external affairs. I am very yearning for the mayor's mansion, and I have thought about choosing the strongest mayor's mansion, and seeing the farce between those Supreme Dao powerhouses just now, in Qingfeng Town, only the mayor's mansion has the ability to keep my Zhang family from being raped by others. Being harassed by other forces, and under the protection of the mayor's mansion, I should not be assassinated by other forces. However, if I am blindly protected by others, even if I am talented, it will be difficult for me to truly grow up. Only by growing up in adversity To achieve better achievements, and I also yearn for freedom, so I decided to choose the same as you, choose Yaoguang Peak. That's it, I didn't say that I can't return to the family for the rest of my life, and I can only become a casual cultivator. Even if they think that I have sentenced the family, it can be regarded as a casual cultivator, as long as my family still recognizes me, isn't it all right? I believe my family will not because of I abandoned my choice today, and I will return to the family with a strong posture at that time, leading the family and even Qingfeng Town to prosperity."

(End of this chapter)

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