Chapter 659 Choice (Eleven)

Seeing that Zhang Yi chose Yaoguang Peak, Wukong was taken aback for a moment, and then heard Zhang Yi's voice transmission, Wukong smiled and replied: "Hehe, I hope you can stick to your way, of course you can't just stick to it blindly. Dao will ruin your life, since you choose this path, then take it seriously, recognize your future, and explore a correct way that belongs to you.”

"Well, I will work hard, I believe my choice is not wrong." Zhang Yi nodded and echoed.

Soon Wukong and the others also chose a jade tablet, Zixia and the others obviously followed Wukong in choosing, they all chose Yaoguang Peak.

Not long after, everyone finished choosing, and as soon as everyone finished choosing one of the jade cards, the other jade cards would disappear.

The choices of Wukong and the others have been followed by all the Supreme Dao powerhouses above, and of course some students have also paid attention.

After Zhang Yi had just made his choice, the supreme masters above saw the result of Zhang Yi's choice, and all of them were very angry except Zhu Lao and Liu Hong who were all smiling.

They can all see Zhang Yi's life pattern and cultivation level, because they know that he must belong to a member of a powerful force, and should be a member of a small faction. At this time, he actually chooses to become a casual cultivator and join Yaoguang Peak, which is considered a 'betrayal' The faction he belongs to, they can't tolerate such a betrayal, even if they have high talents, they can't calm down their anger towards Zhang Yi. The greater the disappointment, the more intolerable such a potential betrayer.

Next, they saw that Wukong and the others also chose Yaoguang Peak one after another. Although they knew Wukong and the others' fate lines and cultivation bases, and knew that they must be casual cultivators, it was normal for them to join Yaoguang Peak, but Zhang Yi's choice made them Very disappointed, very angry, the anger has not dissipated, and Wukong and the others did not choose them, which immediately made them feel very embarrassed. After all, they are the top ten forces, and casual cultivators like Wukong and the others should be yearning for it. Not even choosing them was equivalent to adding fuel to the fire, and they were even more angry immediately.

Anger is nothing but anger. At this time, they can't just interfere with the choices of Wukong and others. They can only suppress the anger temporarily, report the situation of Wukong and the others afterwards, and wait for the instructions from the higher-ups, and then make plans at that time. Zhang Yi this Potential 'betrayers' are also instructed by those above to make plans.

Although it is not possible to spread the situation of Wukong and others casually, it is still necessary to secretly report to the high-level officials of the top ten forces and Qingfeng Taoist Temple afterwards. Forget it, other people must be the high-level officials of the top ten forces and Qingfeng Taoist Temple to know, and some things need those high-level officials to decide.

"Now that you have made your choice, now you should engrave your spiritual marks on the jade cards in your hands. From now on, the jade cards in your hands will be your identity cards, and then you will find a teleportation array inside. This teleportation array The destination you are sent to is the peak you have chosen, then next, you will go to the peak of your choice first, and we will screen you after you go there. As mentioned earlier, we will also Contact the peak masters of other peaks, other peak masters are willing to take in those who are eliminated, you are lucky, change your identity card to go to other peaks, if you don’t accept it, you will also change your identity card and demote to one of the five halls, do you understand what I said?" Liu Hong stood up again and said.

(End of this chapter)

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