Chapter 663 Rules ([-])

For a powerhouse like Liu Hong, his memory is very terrifying, so he knows all the students who have been tested by him before. He remembered their appearance and the corresponding test results.

Hearing what Liu Hong said, Hong Long and the two of them immediately turned ashamed, and they hurriedly begged Liu Hong respectfully: "I hope that the two peak masters will take pity on us."

"Hahahaha, you two don't need to be so depressed and worried. It is because you know that your hopes are slim and you choose our Yaoguang Peak. With your daring spirit, we Yaoguang Peak welcome you to join. Congratulations! , you are now a member of Yaoguang Peak." Liu Hong said with a big laugh.

After Hong Long heard it, they were overjoyed immediately, and they quickly expressed their thanks to Liu Hong and Zhu Lao respectfully, as if they had discussed it in secret beforehand, and the meaning of what they said was basically exactly the same: "Thank you two peak masters." My lord, I will definitely cultivate hard in the future, and I will not disappoint the two peak masters, and I will definitely repay the two peak masters for their kindness today."

"Thank you for the appreciation of the two peak masters. I will definitely practice hard in the future and will not disappoint the high expectations of the two masters. In the future, I will definitely repay the two peak masters for their kindness."

"Hahahaha, we don't need any rewards from you in the future, as long as you can practice hard and contribute to the development of Qingfeng Town in the future." Liu Hong smiled heartily.

"Yes, I would like to follow the instruction of Lord Peak Master." Hong Long and the two replied in unison.

"Okay, the seven of you wait here first, and we will come back to arrange you after we have discussed Zhang Yi's stay." Liu Hong said to everyone later.

"Yes." The four Wukong replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Understood, the two peak masters." Although Zhang Yi said respectfully, he respected the two, not in fear, and did not show a humble expression, but showed an expression of neither humble nor overbearing.

"Of order, the two peak masters." Hong Long and the others said in awe and flattery.

After giving instructions to everyone, Liu Hong nodded to Mr. Zhu, and then the figures of the two gradually blurred until they disappeared.

As soon as Liu Hong left, Hong Long hurried towards the four of Wukong, and then said to Wukong in a fawning manner: "Four brothers and sisters, my name is Hong Long, from now on we will all be students of Yaoguang Peak. I hope the four will take care of you in the future."

"My name is Jiang Yiping. The four senior brothers and senior sisters are all super geniuses that are rarely seen in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary. I hope that the four can support you a lot in the future." Hong Long and the others heard Liu Hong call Wukong and others by their names before, But I don't know who Liu Hong's name corresponds to, so it's not easy to call him by name directly.

Moreover, they will all be students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple in the future, and they will be called brothers and sisters from now on. They think that Wukong and the other four have high talents, and they will definitely receive key training in the future. Wukong and the others are much older, and their cultivation base is also higher than that of Yun Xuanling and Qi Yanfeng among the four. They still flatteringly call Wukong and the others senior brother and senior sister.

"Sun Wukong." "Zixia." "Yunxuanling." "Qi Yanfeng." The other party took the initiative to speak, and of course Wukong and the others had no choice but to answer. After all, they didn't have any grievances, so the four of them simply reported own name.

(End of this chapter)

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