Chapter 664 Rules (V)

Hong Long and the others didn't go to say hello to Zhang Yi, because they thought that Zhang Yi was the kind of ungrateful, deceitful person who bullied his teacher and exterminated his ancestors. Yi will definitely be driven away. If they continue to communicate with Zhang Yi, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of Qingfeng Taoist Temple and even the ten major forces, which will have a negative impact on their future development. greet.

Although Hong and Long were apprehensive, some people did not have those concerns.

Wukong and the other two didn't talk to Hong Long anymore, they could see the disdain in the eyes of the two looking at Zhang Yi, so Wukong comforted Zhang Yi: "Zhang Yi, don't worry, you will definitely be admitted, I will It can be seen that the attitude of the two peak masters towards you is much better, you have to have confidence in yourself."

"Wukong is right, you will be admitted." Zixia also said.

Yun Xuanling and Qi Yanfeng also nodded in agreement.

"Thank you everyone, but even if I'm not admitted, I won't be discouraged, I will go out and explore the world." Zhang Yi said gratefully and passionately.

"Hehe, you are ambitious, good job." Wukong praised, and then the five Wukong chatted casually.

Seeing such a situation, Hong Long and the others felt a little embarrassed, worried and shocked. What was embarrassing and worried was that they didn't expect that Wukong and Zhang Yi had friendships. They just ignored Zhang Yi deliberately. There is disgust, since Wukong and the others only reported their names to them and ignored them, and went to talk to Zhang Yi, it can be said that Wukong and the others probably have an opinion on them, and they don't want to talk to them more.

What shocked me was that I didn't expect that the five most talented super geniuses in this year's class actually knew each other, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other, and four of them seemed to be headed by Monkey King, who was the least talented among the five, and their words seemed to be the words of Monkey King The most weighty, just now Wukong signed up, they have already distinguished who is who among the five Wukong.

At the same time, in a magnificent palace hall in the depths of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple, all the twelve peak masters of the Eleventh Peak were present. There are 23 ascetics on the top, and among the 23 ascetics, three ascetics sit on the top seat facing the gate.

There are a total of 35 ascetics in the entire hall, and these 35 ascetics are all supreme Taoists. In addition to the twelve peak masters of the eleven peaks in the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, there are also eleven instructors in the inner courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple He and the two masters of Qingfeng Taoist Temple and the leaders of the ten top ten forces. As for Shen Xiong and other ten leaders who led the children of the ten major forces to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, they have left Qingfeng Taoist Temple and returned to their respective forces. They are also called to keep quiet about what happened today.

"Fellow daoists, Zhan Tian and the others have made it very clear just now that our Qingfeng Taoist temple has recruited five super geniuses against the sky this year. As long as we vigorously train them, I believe that in the near future, our Qingfeng Taoist temple will even With the help of the five of them, Qingfeng Town can become prosperous." A middle-aged man in a golden robe sitting at the top said lightly after scanning the bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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