Chapter 665 Rules ([-])

Then the middle-aged man in the golden robe changed the subject: "However, there was a little accident among them, a super genius named Zhang Yi. As a powerful man, he turned his back on his family and became a lone cultivator and chose Yaoguang Peak. It is reasonable to say that not only should we not admit him, but we can even exile him. However, from what Zhu Ze and Liu Hong said, we can infer that Zhang Yi may not be the kind of ungrateful person who bullies his teachers and destroys his ancestors. In addition, his talent is really high, so we have to think carefully, we can't just bury a super genius, and of course we can't cultivate a potential ungrateful villain."

Previously, the twelve peak masters of the outer court had reported the situation of Wukong and others to the 23 Supreme Dao powerhouses sitting above them, and Zhu Lao and Liu Hong also said every word Zhang Yi said. Come out, and even said some good things for Zhang Yi.

"Lord mayor, according to me, Zhang Yi is not suitable for training. He is a potential betrayer. If we train him, maybe he will be sentenced to Qingfeng Town in the future, and his talent is so high. It will cause us a loss at that time." It will be huge, so we can’t take this risk.” It turns out that the middle-aged man in the golden robe is the mayor of Qingfeng Town, who is also the current leader of the mayor’s mansion, Ye Yang. The one who spoke at this time was the leader of the Shen family, Shen Zhongtian, whose cultivation was also unfathomable.

In a small town like Qingfeng Town, the peak of the third level of the Supreme Dao is basically the strongest. There are very few ascetics of the third level of the Supreme Dao, and other small towns are basically the same. There are relatively few small towns with ascetics in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary. After all, the higher you go, the harder it is to break through.

"That's right, I agree with Fellow Daoist Shen on this point, and we also have Zixia and four highly gifted super geniuses, especially Zixia and Yun Xuanling, two heaven-defying super geniuses, even if we lose a Zhang Yi It doesn't matter." Shangguan Yuanjun, the leader of the Shangguan family who was always against Shen Zhongtian, unexpectedly agreed with Shen Zhongtian at this time.

"Zhang Yi must expel Qingfeng Taoist Temple, not only that, but also must drive him out of Qingfeng Town, let him fend for himself, such a rebellious person cannot stay in Qingfeng Town." Another leader who opposed Zhang Yi's stay spoke up.

This person is Gongsun Wuxiu, the fifth-ranked leader of the Gongsun family among the top ten forces that manage Zhang Yi's area. After he knew Zhang Yi's background, he was very dissatisfied that Zhang Yi did not choose Tianshu Peak, which was in charge of the Gongsun family. However, the Gongsun family members were the last ones who wanted Zhang Yi to stay. For the Gongsun family, Zhang Yi's choice was to slap them in the face.

Although people from other forces did not say anything on the surface at this time, it does not mean that the forces that are at odds with the Gongsun family will not ridicule his Gongsun family on this topic after the discussion. He just didn't say it out on the spot, so at this time Gongsun Wuxiu wanted to smash Zhang Yi into pieces.

Of course, with his status, it is impossible to personally attack Zhang Yi, so he suggested that Zhang Yi be driven out of Qingfeng Town, so that he can send someone to get rid of Zhang Yi outside Qingfeng Town to vent his anger. Get rid of a potential threat, not only that, but he will also send people to attack the Zhang family, establish prestige, and let others know that offending the Gongsun family will not end well.

(End of this chapter)

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