Chapter 667 Rules (Eight)

"And us, if doing that is different from the way of the devil, then we will follow Brother Song and leave Qingfeng Town." Zhu Ze and Liu Hong also said indignantly.

Not only the three of Song Yi were angry, but many people from the top ten forces were also angry. If they really did that, they would be worse than Zhang Yi's current 'betrayal', and Zhang Yi's 'betrayal' might not be a real betrayal. What Song Yi said, they also felt that Zhu Ze and Liu Hong's vision should not be bad, and they should be able to see whether Zhang Yi was lying.

"Gongsun Wuxiu, you've had enough, so don't express your opinion anymore." The mayor Ye Yang was also a little angry, so he scolded Gongsun Wuxiu.

Gongsun Wuxiu found that he had caused public anger, and knew that he had said something wrong, so he stopped talking.

"Three fellow Taoists, don't be impatient, we will not adopt Gongsun Wuxiu's method." Ye Yang comforted Song Yi and the others.

Seeing what the mayor said, Song Yi and the three couldn't continue to get angry, so Song Yi acted as a representative and said to Ye Yang: "Then, mayor, what do you think should be done?"

"Well, let's listen to the views of the two viewers." Ye Yang said after a moment of thought.

Then Ye Yang asked the two viewers sitting next to him: "Two brothers, what do you think?"

As the mayor of Qingfeng Town and the most powerful leader of Qingfeng Town, Ye Yang was very respectful to the two masters of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and the others didn't respond, as if it should be so.

If the Tongxuan Taoist who had not been sealed with that memory was here, he would definitely be able to recognize one of the temple masters. The temple master sitting in the middle is the mysterious strong man Xuan Yuan who tortured him.

The mysterious powerhouse Xuan Yuan actually appeared in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and became the master of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, but he hid his cultivation base at this time, and his cultivation base after suppression was much higher than that of the mayor Ye Yang. One of the reasons why Ye Yang is respectful to him, after all, the strong are respected, and another reason is that Xuan Yuan taught Ye Yang, which improved his cultivation a lot. Xuan Yuan not only taught Ye Yang, but also taught everyone present Everyone present, under Xuan Yuan's guidance, their cultivation has improved to some extent, so everyone present respects Xuan Yuan very much, and more importantly, Xuan Yuan is indifferent to fame and fortune, and will not treat them in Qingfeng Town. dominance is threatened.

Xuan Yuan was only invited by Ye Yang and others to be a nominal master in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and he has only been here for a few days, and these days he only occasionally guides Ye Yang and others.

As for the other temple master, he is a life-and-death friend with Ye Yang. It is a powerful casual cultivator whom Ye Yang met when he went out countless Hongmeng years ago. His name is Shi Ming. He founded Qingfeng Town when Ye Yang was. At that time, he was invited by Ye Yang to manage Qingfeng Taoist Temple. His cultivation level was comparable to Ye Yang's, but his strength was much higher than Ye Yang's, so Ye Yang respected him very much.

"Brother Ye, if you want me to say it, I agree with Zhang Yi to stay, because I also believe in the vision and judgment of Zhu Ze and the other two, and don't forget that in addition to Zhang Yi, there are four talented people who are against the sky in this class." Three of them are even better than Zhang Yi. Even if Zhang Yi will really betray him in the future, and we will not be able to fight against him, I believe that the other four are absolutely capable of defeating him, and we will deal with him at that time It is not too late to sanction, and it is fair for him to sanction him at that time, we cannot treat him unfairly because of our unreasonable speculation, and if he is not the kind of person we think, we accept him now, and we will accept him in the future. If he becomes a strong man, he will definitely repay his kindness more, and it will only benefit us in Qingfeng Town." Shi Ming first expressed his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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