Chapter 668 Rules ([-])

"I agree with him to stay. When Zhu Ze and the others questioned Zhang Yi before, I had already used his mind-reading skills on him. His heart is clean and flawless, and he will never do anything in the future. family, but he still has his family in his heart. If you don’t believe it, you can go to him and ask him and then perform mind reading on him. You can only read the true inner thoughts of a monk in the early stage of Heavenly Dao when he speaks. You can still It’s easy to do, you don’t need to deliberately probe into his privacy, this can still be done, it’s much better than doing something on him or driving him away directly.” Xuan Yuan said lightly.

"Huh!? It turns out that Brother Xuanyuan has already paid attention to those students. Since Brother Xuanyuan has also tested Zhang Yi before, and Brother Shi Ming also agreed with Zhang Yi to stay, then we will not test him. We Believe in the judgment of the two of you, and we have four other super geniuses, so we are not afraid that Zhang Yi will rebel in the future, we have admitted Zhang Yi." Both Xuan Yuan and Shi Ming agreed, and Shi Ming's analysis also made sense, and more importantly It was to save face for Xuan Yuan and the others, so Ye Yang also agreed to keep Zhang Yi.

The three strongest giants in Qingfeng Town have said so, and all the other people in the mayor's mansion who have not yet voted have expressed their approval. Those who originally opposed Zhang Yi's stay are also forced to agree at this time. In this way, Zhang Yi was determined to stay in Qingfeng Taoist Temple to practice.

Afterwards, Xuan Yuan explained a few words to Zhu Ze and the two, and not long after that, everyone dispersed. The few words Xuan Yuan explained made everyone applaud, and they all flattered.

Of course, there are reasons for their flattery to Xuan Yuan. One is that Xuan Yuan really said something very good, and the few words he explained are very necessary. The other is that they all hope that Xuan Yuan can give them some advice. I came up with their ideas, so I just gave them some pointers. Just a few casual pointers will be enough for everyone to digest for a while, and their cultivation base will also improve.

After Xuan Yuan gave instructions to everyone, everyone left one by one, leaving only Xuan Yuan sitting in the hall.

"Interesting, more and more interesting, much more interesting than I expected, it seems that this trip will not be so boring, hehe." Xuan Yuan looked outside the hall and said to himself, then Xuan Yuan disappeared in the hall within.

"Old Ancestor, there is another strange thing that needs to be reported to you." Within a cloud, Ye Yang, Ye Zhantian and another Supreme Daoist from the mayor's mansion were spying here, and the surrounding area was also surrounded by people. They set up a sound barrier, and Ye Zhantian respectfully said to Ye Yang.

"What strange thing?" Ye Yang asked.

"It was Zhang Yi who once said that he had tested the fusion degree of the right way before, but the test results at that time were far inferior to the current test results. He didn't know what was going on, and he also said that he hadn't eaten any food that increased the right way. Judging from his expression at that time, things like the sacred fruit of fusion did not seem to be lying." Ye Zhantian said truthfully.

Zhu Ze and the others did not mention Zhang Yi's unexplained increase in Dao's fusion degree before. They only talked about the test results of Wukong and the others, the simple background of the five people, and what Zhang Yi said. did not say.

(End of this chapter)

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