Chapter 670 Rules (Eleven)

"You joined Yaoguang Peak and left your family to become a casual cultivator. We have already notified your family. You don't need to contact your family in the future. At least you can't contact your family before you graduate from Qingfeng Taoist Temple and tell them about your situation. , even if you become stronger in the future and leave Qingfeng Taoist Temple, you can go back to your family, and you can’t tell them that you are only leaving the family temporarily, and you have to hide your strength at that time. Return to your family, otherwise you can't return to your family, and you can't let them accept you with your powerful strength, do you understand this?" Zhu Ze told Zhang Yi listen to the words Xuan Yuan explained verbatim .

After hearing this, Zhang Yi also understood Zhu Ze's meaning. After thinking for a while, he said firmly: "Master Zhu, I understand that I will not contact the family members for the time being. If I return to the family after I become strong, I will follow what you said. do that."

Mr. Zhu nodded with satisfaction after hearing this and continued: "Zhang Yi, your Zhang family has been monitored by me, and I will hand over the communication magic weapon between you and your family later. Don't be so narrow-minded. Let me tell you one thing, we have already set up a formation against you in your Zhang family. You cannot send any information to the inside of the Zhang family. As long as you send information, it will be intercepted by the formation we set up. Thinking about getting someone to send a message to your family, otherwise you will be found out by us, and you will be responsible for the consequences. Of course, to be on the safe side, it is more appropriate for you to make an oath, so as to prevent you from becoming stronger in the future. The ability of the message to backfire."

"This." Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, and then said firmly: "Okay, I, Zhang Yi, swear to the Taoist Rules of Nothingness, no matter whether I am powerful or not, I, Zhang Yi, will not take the initiative to explain my idea of ​​temporarily leaving the family to the family members. People listen to me, and when I become stronger in the future, I will not tell them and show my strength in front of them before the people in the family agree to return to the family, and I will not let others inform, otherwise, my true spirit will be broken, Completely annihilated in the world."

As soon as Zhang Yi finished speaking, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and a golden light shot out from the crack. The golden light shot directly at the center of Zhang Yi's eyebrows. The cracks in the body were also closed, and everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Zhang Yi, since you have made your oath, then we will arrange for you to go to your practice site." After speaking, Zhu Ze waved his hand, and a ray of light shone on Wukong and others, and then everyone disappeared.

Wukong only felt that he was attracted by a powerful force of time and space, and then the scene in front of him changed. After he saw the surrounding situation clearly, Wukong found that he and others were no longer at the foot of Yaoguang Peak, but in a vast area. on flat ground.

There are ten palaces on this flat land, each of which is huge, covering an area of ​​one hundred acres, and there is a spacious road a hundred meters to the left of the leftmost palace, which leads to the top.

At this time, Wukong and the others were on a huge flat ground on the mountainside of Yaoguang Peak.

"You will live here from now on, and you will practice here from now on. Next, I will tell you some rules of Waguang Peak, and then each of you will choose a palace to live in." Zhu Ze pointed to the ten palaces in front of him. The palace said to Wukong and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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