Chapter 671
Then Zhu Ze said seriously: "The rules of our Yaoguang Peak are very simple, that is, you are not allowed to fight with any students privately during the period of practicing and studying in Qingfeng Taoist Temple. Otherwise, if you are discovered, you will not be lightly forgiven, as long as you abide by this rule, you must remember this, understand?"

"Understood." Wukong and the others replied in unison.

Zhu Ze nodded in satisfaction and continued: "The rules have been told to you. Next, I will tell you some things that you need to pay attention to in your future practice. From now on, you can go to the alchemy room above to receive a certain amount every year. The cultivation resources you receive are limited, so your main cultivation resources in the future will be earned by yourself. As for how to earn them, you have to go to the front hall of the Hall of Light to receive tasks through you. After completing those tasks, you will You can get a certain amount of contribution points, and you can use those contribution points to exchange for the cultivation resources you need, as well as cultivation methods, secret methods, magic weapons, etc. There are many uses for those contribution points. As for the other uses, I will not discuss them today. More to say, it is recorded in your identity jade card, you can check it yourself afterwards, there is also a map of Yaoguang Peak in your identity jade card, there are some places you are not allowed to set foot on, you have to go back and take a good look , and in the future, Fengzhu Liu and I will come to give you a sermon in a year, and then you can ask us directly if you have any questions about cultivation. Okay, I have something to do with Fengzhu Liu next. If you want to do it, you just choose a palace to live in.”

After speaking, Zhu Lao turned around and said to Liu Hong, "Friend Liu Daoist, let's go."

"En." Liu Hong nodded and said, and then the two figures flashed and disappeared in front of Wukong and the others.

After the old couple left, Wukong and the other seven chose a palace to live in.

Wukong lived in the palace on the far left near the road. The palace is very large, with many rooms and complete facilities. Wukong chose a bedroom to live in. Still full of energy, but it’s okay to take a nap once in a while, and it’s the same with eating, just try something new and enjoy your mouth.

Soon Wukong learned something about the situation of Yaoguang Peak from the identity card, and then Wukong didn't waste any time and entered the state of cultivation.

After all, the concentration of Primordial Purple Qi here is much stronger than that of the Zhang family.

When it comes to cultivation, it is practice, and Wukong directly sits down and runs the nine-turn Xuangong to absorb the nearby primordial purple energy for body training.

"The concentration of Primordial Purple Qi here is so high, let other saints come out to cultivate." Wukong suddenly stopped his cultivation and said to himself.

Then two rays of light flashed on Wukong's body, and suddenly two figures separated from Wukong's body.

"Fellow Daoist, let's go out first." These two people are exactly the same as Wukong, they are Wukong's Destroyer Holy Physique and Creation Holy Physique.

So they didn't talk too much nonsense, and went straight out to find two rooms to start their respective cultivation.

"Let the two of them come out to practice first. The other Holy Body is my hole card. This place is not secret. If they all call out to practice, it will be bad if Peak Master Zhu and the others find out. Well, that's it." After leaving with the Eucharist, Wukong thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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