Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

676 Chapter 6 Undercurrents and Undercurrents

Chapter 676

"How is this possible? Senior Tian Kai must have made a mistake." Another person said in disbelief.

"Senior Tian Kai will definitely not make a mistake. After all, those resources were allocated by the two peak masters, and they were directly transferred through the Shengqi jade and identity cards. There will be no mistakes." Another person denied that what he said The Shengqi jade is the green light screen inlaid on the counter on the right side of the hall.

Wukong and Zixia also heard the discussion of those people on the left side of the hall. At this time, Wukong was more sure that the resources they received were determined according to the previous test results, and Zixia also understood that the resources she received had reached No. .7 The number of resources that can be received should be due to her high talent, and the two peak masters focused on her training.

Thinking of this, Zixia glanced at Wukong, she thought that Wukong should also receive so many cultivation resources.

Then Zixia responded to Tian Kai's question with a serious expression: "Senior Tian Kai, what I said is true."

"Hiss!" After Tian Kai took a deep breath, he looked at Wukong solemnly and with a hint of nervousness, and then asked Wukong, "Junior Monkey King, do you have received so many resources?"

"Uh, no, the resources I received were close to half of what Zixia received." Wukong replied truthfully after hesitating for a moment.

After hearing that Wukong received less than half of the resources she received, Zixia finally understood that the resources they received were indeed related to the test results, and her test results were much higher than Wukong's, so compared to Wukong, she more focused treatment.

"Huh?" I was already mentally prepared to accept the same amount of training resources Wukong received as Zixia received, but I didn't expect that Wukong received less than half of Zixia's, and Tian Kai was stunned: " The resources you received are actually equivalent to the amount received by students ranked No.11 to No.20."

But soon Tian Kai came to his senses and figured out what was going on: "By the way, your fate lines show that one of you is a few thousand years old and the other is over ten thousand years old, but your cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Great Dao and The fifth level of the Great Dao, entering the Qingfeng Taoist Temple at your age, you must have been casual cultivators before, and you have proved such a high fruit status at such a young age as a casual cultivator. It can be seen that your talents should not be low, and I believe What's more is that you have a great opportunity, maybe the two peak masters are looking at you, so they take special care of you."

But Tian Kai said a little incomprehensibly: "Strange, the life pattern of junior Sun Wukong shows that it is several thousand years old, and the life pattern of junior Zixia shows that it is over [-] years old, but junior Sun Wukong's cultivation is at the eighth of the main road. level, and Zixia's cultivation base is only the fifth level of Dao. It stands to reason that Sun Wukong's junior is younger and has a higher cultivation level, so he should have more opportunities. In this case, the two peak masters should It would be strange to put more emphasis on the cultivation of Sun Wukong juniors."

Tian Kai didn't think about the test results of the two people's fusion degree of Taoism at all, because in the past, peerless geniuses whose fusion degree of Taoism reached 30.00% would not enjoy such high treatment, at most a little more than other new students, but It is much worse than what Wukong received, let alone compared with the amount Zixia received.

Moreover, in the past, it was very rare for Taoism to reach 30.00% fusion, so Tian Kai would not think that Wukong and Zixia's fusion far exceeded 30.00%, but only thought that they were people with great luck, so they received special treatment .

(End of this chapter)

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