Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

677 Chapter 7 Undercurrents and Undercurrents

Chapter 677

The reason why Zixia was born later than Wukong, but her life pattern is much older than Wukong, is because Wukong was seriously injured by the prehistoric heaven and traveled to other universes, which is different from the time and space of Zixia's prehistoric universe. Goku is much bigger.

Most of Zixia's life before was because she was in love with Wukong, which led to her unintentional cultivation, and finally entered the plain of death before she began to practice hard, and she did not have as many adventures as Wukong, which led her to practice much longer than Wukong. Her cultivation is far inferior to that of Wukong, but her speed of cultivation after entering the Sanctuary of Hongmeng is unmatched by Wukong, and she has not encountered any opportunities, nor has she taken any anti-heavenly pills, just meditating and comprehending cultivation , coupled with the previous test results, it shows that it is estimated that it will not be long before Zixia can surpass Wukong. Wukong and Wukong are well aware of this, and of course they will not explain it to Tian Kai.

At the same time, the leaders of the top ten forces are also discussing some things, which are related to Wukong and the others.

In a relatively spacious secret room in the mayor's mansion, 73 people gathered at this time. These 73 people are all the Supreme Dao powerhouses in the mayor's mansion, and the core strength of the mayor's mansion.

"Old Ancestor, I have already done what you ordered. I have already secretly monitored the Zhang family in advance. People from the other nine major forces have also been stopped by me. They can't find anything." A man in purple who was present reported to Ye Yanghui.

"Very good, Ye Bin, what have you found out?" Ye Yang asked Ye Bin, the man in purple.

"Reporting to Patriarch, I have already found out that Zhang Yi went to Yunqing Forest not long ago since he was born, but they only went to the outskirts of Yunqing Forest. I have already investigated and According to the memory of the two people who were traveling with him, they didn't gain much there, so Zhang Yi couldn't possibly get any items such as spiritual fruits that greatly increase the fusion degree of the Tao, but he met someone there." Ye Bin Report to Ye Yang truthfully.

"Who?" Ye Yang asked with focus.

"Monkey King." Ye Bin replied respectfully.

"Monkey King? It's him?" Ye Yang said in surprise.

Everyone present at this time already knew the test results and names of Wukong and the others.

"That's right, it's Monkey King. Even if they knew each other at first, it's actually nothing. The important thing is still to come. I found an important piece of information after investigating and reading the memories of everyone in the Zhang family who had contact with Monkey King." Ye Bin said with a little excitement.

"What important information?" Ye Yang finally heard a topic that interested him.

The others were also very interested at this time, listening intently to Ye Yang's conversation.

Ye Bin smiled and looked around for a week, as if he was a great hero, with a very excited expression.

Seeing Ye Bin's expression, the other people present were even more curious, so Ye Yang urged: "Ye Bin, tell me quickly, if it is really important information, I will reward you for your merits."

Ye Bin was even more overjoyed after hearing this, and then Ye Bin said ecstatically: "Thank you, ancestor, I found out that Zixia, Yun Xuanling and Qi Yanfeng also knew Sun Wukong, and they were very familiar with him. At that time, Sun Wukong suffered internal injuries and his strength dropped greatly. Because he saved Zhang Yi and the other two Zhang family children, Zhang Yi and the other three brought him to the Zhang family. It didn't take long for Zixia and the other three to appear."

(End of this chapter)

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