Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

678 Chapter 8 Undercurrents and Undercurrents

Chapter 678

After a pause, Ye Bin continued: "It turns out that the four Monkey Kings are not from our Hongmeng Sanctuary, they are monks from the Outer Domain of Hongmeng. Time and space came to the outskirts of Yunqing Forest in our Hongmeng Sanctuary, and Zixia and the three were hidden in his universe by him in advance. Zixia and the three can enter Sun Wukong's universe, which shows that they trust Sun Wukong very much , and the fact is indeed the case, after they participated in the regional competition, I got the news from Wu Lin, one of the contestants, that Zixia and the three seemed to listen to Sun Wukong very much, from the two people who went to Yunqing Forest with Zhang Yi Someone learned that Zhang Yi also respects Monkey King very much now."

"Also, after Sun Wukong entered the Zhang family, he once had a fight with a Daoist of the Zhang family. At that time, Sun Wukong's cultivation level was only at the peak of the seventh level of the Dao, but Sun Wukong took the Dao Dzogchen The Zhang family was defeated, during which he showed that he was a cultivator of Lixiu. Not only was he a rare Lixiu, but he also had a powerful incarnation of the source of quasi-fire, and his incarnation of the source of quasi-fire relied on the Dao The Zhang family of Dzogchen got a red phosphorus flame by accident and successfully comprehended the real source of fire, the red phosphorus flame, and became the incarnation of the source of fire in one fell swoop, and this incarnation of the source of fire actually possessed the imprint of nothingness that countless ascetics dream of " Ye Bin continued.

"Another point is that Sun Wukong was able to pass through the time-space barrier between the Hongmeng Sanctuary and the Hongmeng Outer Domain to the Hongmeng Sanctuary without dying under the attack of a strong man of the Dao of Nothingness, which means that he probably has a Heaven-defying magic weapon, otherwise, how could he, a small ant of the Dao, attract a great power of nothingness to attack him, and he can not die under the attack of a power of nothingness." Ye Bin added.

"Hiss!" What Ye Bin said immediately caused the people present to gasp, and their hearts were churning at this moment.

After Ye Yang calmed down the excitement in his heart, he said to Ye Bin with a happy face: "Ye Bin, you have made a great contribution this time, and later you can go to the pharmacy to pick up five celestial-grade low-grade Hongmeng panacea."

"Thank you, ancestor." Ye Bin thanked Ye Yang ecstatically.

At this time, even the other people showed envious and jealous expressions. Even if the mayor's mansion has accumulated countless years of accumulation of the inferior grandmist panacea, there are only more than 1000 pills left. The powerhouses of their Supreme Dao cultivation are also very useful. Now the mayor actually rewarded Ye Bin with five low-level grandmist elixirs at once, and he chose five at random. How can this not make others envious and jealous? They are all wondering why they were not sent to investigate in the first place.

"Well, according to what you said, Sun Wukong is not as simple as the surface. Although his test result is the lowest among the five, he has the most potential, because he is a strength repairer, and he can use the Dao Seven It seems that he is not an ordinary power cultivator. As a power cultivator, he also has the incarnation of the law practice, and he has also evolved into the incarnation of the source of fire. More importantly, his incarnation He also has the Dao Seal of Nothingness, and the three of Zixia trust him very much, and even obey him. Even Zhang Yi respects him very much. It seems that if you want to control Monkey King and others, you only need to make Monkey King Just control it." Ye Yang nodded and analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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