Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 685 Nine Xiao Lingzhi

Chapter 685 Nine Heavens Ganoderma Lucidum ([-])

Shaking his head, he couldn't figure it out, so Wukong stopped thinking about it, and could only continue to release Daoxuan to investigate.

"Hee hee, yes, anyway, we are not in a hurry, so let's look for it slowly!" Zixia laughed slyly, and at the same time, Zixia looked at Wukong's back affectionately, and whispered in her heart: "The later you find it, the better!" ,whee."

Sensing that Zixia was a little strange, Wukong turned around and saw Zixia standing there looking at him with a 'smirk', so Wukong asked suspiciously: "Zixia, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah!? It's okay, let's continue to look for Jiuxiao Ganoderma." Zixia's face turned red, she looked to the side in a little panic, and then walked in that direction.

"Oh." Wukong replied pretending not to understand, and then continued to search for Jiuxiao Ganoderma lucidum.

Seeing Zixia's expression, Wukong also understood, how could Zixia not know her own feelings, and after getting along for so long, he was more or less tempted by Zixia.

It's just that they have a fateful marriage, and Wukong doesn't want to be at the mercy of fate, he wants to control his own destiny. He doesn't want to be with Zixia because of the fateful marriage, but wants to accept Zixia completely from the heart. Xia Caixing, he still has some resistance to the destiny marriage.

"Fool." Zixia took a peek at Wukong, seeing that Wukong continued to search for Jiuxiao Ganoderma as if nothing had happened, she muttered to herself.

In this way, Wukong and Zixia continued to search for Jiuxiao Ganoderma aimlessly.

Time passed little by little, and soon came the next day.

During this period, Wukong and the others still did not find Jiuxiao Ganoderma lucidum, and of course they did not encounter any monsters or students of Qingfeng Academy.

At this time, Wukong and Wukong are under a mountain range. Wukong takes out his identity jade badge, and the identity jade badge immediately projects the current location of Wukong and Wukong. According to the map of Shangqinglan Mountains, the identity jade cards of Wukong and Wukong can locate the specific location of the two of them and project them out.

Looking at the marks on the projected map, Wukong murmured, "It turns out that we have arrived at one of the entrances to the main vein of the Qinglan Mountains."

"Wukong, let's go up and have a look, maybe the Nine Heavens Ganoderma lucidum is on the main vein." Zixia looked towards the main mountain range.

"Okay, let's go up." Wukong nodded, and then walked up the mountain.

But before taking a few steps, Wukong stopped suddenly.

"Wukong, what's the matter?" Zixia looked at Wukong suspiciously after catching up with Wukong and asked.

"There is a group of people rushing towards us from the left direction, huh? There is also a group of people rushing towards us from the right direction." Just now, within the area covered by Wukong Daoxuan, two groups of people appeared successively. They all rushed towards the main vein of the Qinglan Mountains.

"There are two groups of people coming here quickly? Wukong, who are they?" Zixia's holy thoughts didn't extend as far as Wukong's Daoxuan, so they couldn't detect the two groups of people.

"It should be the students of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple, but I don't know which mountain they are from? They are all Dao Consummation cultivation bases. With their speed, it may not be too long before they arrive here. Let's go up and look for them first. Let’s hide in a place, let’s see what they are doing here?” Wukong said after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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