Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 686 Nine Xiao Lingzhi

Chapter 686 Nine Heavens Ganoderma Lucidum ([-])

"Wukong, why do we hide? Since we are students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, why do we avoid them? They shouldn't do anything to us, right?" Zixia asked puzzledly, blinking her big eyes.

"This is not certain. You must know that Qingfeng Taoist Temple has distinct camps, and the competition must be very fierce. We just came to Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and we don't know the situation here. We can't tell who is the enemy and who is the friend. Although Qingfeng Taoist Temple prohibits Private fighting, but in this huge Qinglan Mountain Range, if you want to kill someone, you will not be discovered by those peak masters in the outer courtyard of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple. After all, their holy thoughts cannot cover the entire Qinglan Mountain Range, and the outer courtyard of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple can It's not just a place like the Qinglan Mountains, and it's impossible for them to pay attention to such a place. As for the managers of the inner courtyard, they should not interfere with the management of the outer courtyard, let alone worry. Besides, we don't know what they are doing here? It is better to go to them to see, maybe it has something to do with the disappearance of those monsters." Wukong explained.

"That's it! Then let's hide it first!" Zixia said thoughtfully.

Afterwards, Wukong and the other two used their supernatural powers to hide. Zixia's concealment technique was given to her by Wukong before. Yes, it is difficult for ordinary Supreme Dao powerhouses to find out, unless they use some particularly powerful detection magic weapon or secret method.

But Wukong guessed that these people should not have those, even if they did, they would not have thought that there would be someone hiding here, and then use that magic weapon or secret method to explore.

Even if they are really that cautious, it doesn't matter, Wukong is not afraid of them, at worst he won't follow them secretly.

Time passed little by little, and finally a group of people appeared in the area 1000 meters away from the place where Wukong and the others were hiding.

Then Wukong and Wukong heard one of them say: "We finally feel an entrance to the main line of the Qinglan Mountains. I hope we are not too late."

"Haha, senior Lin Cheng, you don't have to worry about this. The junior Xu Yuanqi who sent me the news said that it hasn't been activated yet, and we still have time." Another person said with a loud laugh.

"Haha, that's good, Brother Shaodong, thank you for inviting us this time. I, Lin Cheng, will remember this kindness. I will never forget you if there are any benefits in the future." Lin Cheng said boldly laughed.

"The same is true for us." Others also echoed.

"Senior Lin Cheng, everyone, let's not waste any time, we should hurry there to avoid any unexpected situation." Shao Dong suggested.

"Okay, let's go there quickly." Lin Cheng nodded in agreement.

When Lin Cheng and the others were about to leave, Lin Cheng's complexion suddenly changed, he looked in the opposite direction from when they came, and said in a low tone: "Someone is here again."

Not only did Lin Cheng discover it, but other Dzogchen powerhouses in the same company also discovered it one after another. After all, with their cultivation base, they had already cultivated the holy thoughts, and they had also extended the holy thoughts before, but the strength of their holy thoughts is also different. There are differences, so they were not discovered at the same time, but it was not too long after all, after all, another group of people was on their way quickly.

They also recognized the identities of the visitors. Judging from their faces, it seemed that the two sides were not on the same page.

(End of this chapter)

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