Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 687 Nine Xiao Lingzhi

Chapter 687 Nine Heavens Ganoderma Lucidum ([-])

"It's Cui Bin and his group from Tianquan Peak. They have already discovered us. I don't know if they also got the news when they came here. Let's just wait. One is to find out the truth, and the other is that we are discovering their arrival. If we leave immediately, it will make them think that we are afraid of them, so we must stay." Lin Cheng said.

"Okay." The others agreed.

Wukong also noticed that another group of people was coming soon, and at the same time under the cover of Wukong Daoxuan, Wukong also heard the conversation of that group of people.

"It's Lin Cheng and the others. From their tone, it seems that they are going there too. Let's hurry up." The young man headed by another group said loudly. Under the cover of his holy thoughts, he also heard what Lin Cheng and his group said.

After speaking, the group speeded up and rushed to the location of Lin Cheng's group.

Hearing the conversations of these two groups of people, Wu Kong learned two things. The first is that they are all rushing to a certain place. There may be some treasures in that place, and maybe those monsters that have disappeared have also gone there. .

The second is that the two groups are not at odds and seem to be in conflict.

"My old grandson can't miss this kind of good thing, and I will follow them closely later." Wukong thought secretly.

Not long after, another group of people came to Lin Cheng and his group.

"Who do I think is waiting for us here! It turns out that Lin Cheng from Tianji Peak led a group of younger brothers to wait for us here! We really have face, hahahaha!" The young man headed by the group who arrived later pretended Zuo didn't know that Lin Cheng and his group were here before, and he laughed recklessly.

"Hahahaha!" What he said immediately caused the people behind him to laugh.

After hearing the unscrupulous laughter of the other group, Lin Cheng and his group immediately turned ugly and glared, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense, with swords on the verge of breaking out.

"Cui Bin, we don't have the time to deal with you now. You'd better not push yourself too hard, otherwise it will be of no benefit to you and me." Lin Cheng said in a cold tone.

"Hmph! So, you came here for the purpose of going there?" Cui Bin and his group stopped laughing, and only heard Cui Bin snort coldly. Although they had already guessed what they had heard from Lin Cheng's group before. I also go there, but I still have to make sure that I have a spectrum in my heart.

"Ming people don't talk dark words. We are going there. It seems that you are going there too. Then we will not offend the river before we go there. If we have any grievances, we will talk about it after we go there, so as not to miss the great opportunity by accident. " Lin Cheng also confirmed that Cui Bin and his group were also going there, so he made an agreement with Cui Bin and his group.

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean, let's go." Cui Bin agreed with Lin Cheng's suggestion, and then said to the people behind him.

So Cui Bin led his group of people to rush up the mountain first, Lin Cheng nodded to his group of people and then rushed up the mountain, and soon walked side by side with Cui Bin and others, but there was a distance between the two groups of people [-] meters, the road is wide enough.

Wukong and Wukong stood still, and finally Wukong left when the two groups of people were 500 kilometers away from them. Wukong found that the one with the strongest spiritual power in the two groups had cultivated the second stage of Shengnian, and the limit of the second stage of Shengnian was also [-] million meters. , that is, five thousand kilometers.

(End of this chapter)

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