Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 689 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 689 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])

"It's really hard to find a place to find it. It didn't take much effort to get it. After searching for so long, dozens of Ganoderma lucidum appeared here, but they were all picked by others. I don't know who picked them. Since the remains There are so many Nine Heavens Ganoderma lucidum outside, so there might be some inside the ruins too, um, let’s go in after the ruins are opened and we’ll see what to do. By the way, they just mentioned that this ruins appeared yesterday, and there was a lot of noise. We came here yesterday I didn’t find any abnormalities when I was there, and those monsters seemed to have rushed here when they came, probably the relics that appeared during our assessment yesterday.” Wukong, who was hiding in the dark, thought secretly.

Time passed little by little, and more and more people gathered here. Among these people, Wukong saw some familiar faces, some seniors from Tian Kai and Yaoguangfeng, and some freshmen who were in the same class as Wukong. .

Wukong, the senior and senior sister of Yaoguang Peak, has only met before, but he can’t name him. Wukong also has some impressions of those freshmen in the same class, because after the test, Wukong used Daoxuan to check the cultivation of all the freshmen. Memory, everyone's faces are also remembered, but they don't know their identities.

As for Tian Kai's arrival, Wu Kong and Wukong didn't plan to meet him, Wukong planned to act only with Zixia, after all, he was not very familiar with Tian Kai.

Except for the freshmen and Wukong, the other students of the Qingfeng Taoist Temple who came here are from the Dzogchen practice, and those freshmen also came with some students who have cultivated the Dzogchen practice.

"Buzz buzz!" Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a stone stirred up thousands of waves. Immediately, all the monsters present and the students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple stopped communicating, and they all turned their eyes to the huge stone gate of the 'instigator' who made the loud noise in the air.

I saw that the stone gate was slowly opening, and there were bursts of dull loud noises during the opening process. All the ascetics present were all ready to go. As long as the stone gate was fully opened, everyone would rush in without hesitation.

Seeing the opening of the stone gate, Wukong also got ready, and at the same time asked Zixia to get ready and follow him into the ruins later.

At this time, everyone's hearts were raised to the throat, and they all stared at Shimen nervously. At this moment, everyone had an illusion, as if the process of opening Shimen had gone through countless years, and it seemed that it was only a moment.

Finally, the stone gate in the air was completely opened, and the specific scene behind the stone gate could not be seen clearly, only a golden light behind the stone gate.

Suddenly, the monster beast closest to Shimen rushed to Shimen first, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of monsters rushed into Shimen and disappeared in the golden light.

Soon, more monsters and students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple rushed in, but Wukong and Wukong did not immediately rush to the stone gate, but manifested their figures and walked towards the stone gate.

Not long after, there were not many people left outside. At this time, Wukong and Wukong also moved to a position more than ten meters away from the stone gate. At this moment, Wukong and Wukong flew to the stone gate in the air with the crowd, and then disappeared into the golden light middle.

Not long after Wukong entered the ruins, all the people around the ruins also entered, and then there was a loud bang, and the stone gate closed and disappeared.

"Huh!? Why can't I move? Why is Zixia gone? Where did the others go?" After entering the stone gate, Wukong suddenly found himself in a white confined space, neither Zixia nor others, and I couldn't move myself.

(End of this chapter)

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