Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 690 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 690 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
"Dear lucky ones, welcome to my Heavenly Sword Pavilion, oh! Strictly speaking, you haven't reached the Heavenly Sword Pavilion yet, you are still only on the periphery of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, and you can only reach the inside of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion by breaking through layers of checkpoints. There are countless treasures inside the Jiange, the most precious of which is my comprehension of the way of the sword. My comprehension of the way of the sword is something that even some powerful people with the Dao of nothingness want to get. Hehe, as for who can get it, it depends on your luck. , But, don’t let me be too disappointed, don’t even fail the outside checkpoints, hahahaha.” An ethereal voice suddenly appeared in Wukong’s ear.

"Oh, by the way, do you find that you can't move now, and you don't see other people? In fact, you are just in an excessively confined space now. Don't worry. After the stone gate outside is closed, all of you will know what's going on here. After the basic situation, you will be free, hahahaha, everyone, please do your best." The mysterious voice sounded again.

Sure enough, not long after, Wukong suddenly found himself able to move, and the surrounding scene changed immediately.

At this time, Wukong was on a wide and bright grassland, and at the same time, Wukong found that Zixia was beside him, and there were other students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple and monsters in Qinglan Mountains around him.

Wukong looked around carefully, and at the same time extended Daoxuan, only to find that everyone was in a prairie of unknown size. Apart from the audience students of Qingfeng Dao and the monsters of Qinglan Mountain, only Looking down at the endless grassland, there is nothing in the sky.

Others also looked around without a clue, some stood still, and some dispersed to check the situation.

Wukong's Daoxuan explored far away, and it was only an endless grassland when he explored so far. Wukong felt that something was wrong, so he didn't act rashly, and stood at the same place to watch the situation before making a decision.

But Wukong couldn't tell what was wrong, he just felt something wrong.

Time passed by like this little by little. After about an hour, many Qingfeng Taoist students and monsters in the Qinglan Mountains spread to a long distance. The furthest one is almost 23 billion kilometers away from where Wukong and others are. Yes, although Hongmeng Sanctuary's binding force is relatively strong, the speed of ascetics here can still exceed the speed of light after reaching the great perfection of the Dao. It's normal, but this distance is still within the coverage of Wukong's Daoxuan.

There are also many ascetics who, like Wukong, stayed in place and watched the changes.

Suddenly, Wukong found that a group of ascetics who were farthest away from them were attacking each other, and they were in a very crazy state.

"Huh? What's going on here? I didn't notice anything unusual over there just now!" Under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, Wukong could find it even if the wind blows and grass moves, but the people over there suddenly went crazy and attacked each other for some reason. It made Wukong very puzzled.

But a wave of ups and downs rose again, and then a group of people who were a little closer to where Wukong and others were located than those who were mad just now also attacked each other madly.

As if it was an infectious disease, this kind of situation quickly spread to the place where Wukong and his group are located. It can be said that the area where Wukong and others are located is the center point, and the group of people who were furthest away from the first madness is the edge, the 'disease' It diffuses from the edge to the central point, and the speed of diffusion is very fast, far exceeding the speed of light.

(End of this chapter)

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