Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 691 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 691 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
Wukong hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Zixia: "Zixia, be careful, someone has gone crazy for no reason."

At the same time, Wukong also sent a voice transmission to Tian Kai who was not far away: "Senior Tian Kai, be careful, someone has gone crazy for no reason." He also kindly persuaded himself and Zixia to find some partners before doing the mission, reminding himself that the Qinglan Mountains are dangerous, and Wukong will repay his kindness.

Tian Kai suddenly heard a familiar voice, looked around, and finally saw Wukong and Zixia in the crowd. He didn't pay attention to what Wukong said, but prepared to greet them.

Just as he was about to say hello to Wukong, he suddenly noticed a commotion in the distance. Tian Kai showed a shocked expression, and at the same time looked at Wukong incredulously, and immediately reminded his companions: "Big!"

In fact, there is no need for Tian Kai to remind, those who are walking with Tian Kai are all Dzogchen ascetics, their holy thoughts are not much different from Tian Kai, and the speed of 'disease' spreading at this moment is faster than the speed of spreading at the beginning Dozens of times, in the blink of an eye, the ascetics near Wukong were also recruited, and those new students with poor cultivation and weak monsters nearby were also discovered.

In fact, it was useless for them to find out, Tian Kai was caught before he even finished speaking, first his expression became confused, then his eyes became blood red, and then he killed his companions around him.

In fact, Tian Kai is better, he persisted for a while at least, when he just found out, the 'disease' spread to his vicinity immediately, and the spreading speed was very fast, he still took a look at Wukong, and then said It takes one word to go crazy.

The vast majority of the others fell into a state of madness immediately, and a very small number of them did not fall into a state of madness immediately like Tian Kai, but soon those people also fell into a state of madness.

Now only Wukong and Zixia are left, which is normal. Seeing the scene out of control, everyone went mad for no reason and attacked the people next to them. Wukong and Zixia immediately teleported to the open space.

"Wukong, what's going on here? Why did they go crazy all of a sudden?" Zixia immediately asked Wukong as soon as the two of Wukong teleported to an open space. Seeing such a strange phenomenon, Zixia couldn't help but get terrified .

"I don't know, but it's a little strange. After they go berserk, they only attack those with equal strength, or two people with equal strength attack each other, or several people unite to fight against one person, or several people unite against each other. The combination of several people, in short, the battle between them is that no one can do anything to the other, which also prevents those with low cultivation base from falling as soon as they come up." Wukong shook his head and said at the same time what he found.

But just after Wukong finished speaking, he found that something was wrong with Zixia. Zixia's expression became a little dull, her breathing began to be a little short, her eyes gradually turned blood red, and she was about to go into a state of madness like everyone else .

"Zixia, wake up quickly." Wukong immediately shouted at Zixia, and at the same time Wukong used the magic spell.

But a strange force blocked the power of the purifying mantra he cast on Zixia, and at the same time Wukong found a strange force expanding in his sea of ​​consciousness instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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