Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 693 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 693 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
A moment later, there was a loud 'bang', and Wukong punched back a tiger-shaped monster in front of him for hundreds of meters.

"Roar!" The tiger-shaped monster roared angrily at Wukong, and disappeared on the spot with a whoosh.

The next moment, a tiger-shaped monster appeared in front of Wukong, stretched out its huge tiger claws and slapped Wukong on the head.

"Bang!" A powerful airflow spread around Wukong and the tiger monster, which was caused by the huge collision caused by Wukong stretching out his left arm to block the tiger's claws.

The mad Wukong quickly punched out his right fist, and the tiger-shaped monster was not a vegetarian, so it also quickly swung its other front paw to meet it.

There was another loud bang, and the two immediately separated as soon as they collided, and then quickly collided together.

In this way, Wukong and the tiger-shaped monster engage in the most primitive close combat. The fighting between the two has no skill at all, and it is purely instinctive brute force confrontation.

Gradually, the advantage of Wukong's powerful physical body was manifested. Although the physical body of the tiger-shaped monster was strong enough, infinitely close to the physical strength of ordinary ascetics at the first stage of Supreme Dao, Wukong's physical strength at this time was definitely beyond the average The physical strength of the first-order early stage powerhouse of Supreme Dao.

Originally, the tiger-shaped monster was much stronger than Wukong in terms of attack power, which made the two fight evenly before, but after a long time, the attack of the tiger-shaped monster was not as sharp as it was at the beginning, and its attack power was greatly reduced .

On the contrary, Wukong's body is strong enough, so his vitality is very strong, and his energy is also strong enough, so his attack power remains unchanged, and his defense is still strong.

Not long after, Wukong punched through the body of the tiger-shaped monster. This was not enough, and then Wukong continued to beat the injured tiger-shaped monster. The mad Wukong now had only one thought, and that was to kill the opponent in front of him.

Punch after punch, Wukong's violent attack took away the vitality of the tiger-shaped monster's body bit by bit, and finally the tiger-shaped monster's physical body couldn't hold it anymore.

With a "bang", it exploded into countless bloody flowers, and at the moment when the body of the tiger-shaped monster was shattered, Wukong suddenly woke up.

"I, what's wrong with me?" Full of infinite doubts, looking at his bloody hands and the primordial spirit of the tiger-shaped monster in the sky who was also at a loss, Wukong's mind was blank at this time, and it was tragic that he found himself I can't remember anything about what just happened.

But the scene in front of him told him that the reason why the tiger-shaped monster in front of him lost his body seemed to be related to him.

Because I found that the tiger-shaped monster looked at me with a hint of fear in its eyes.

In fact, the tiger-shaped monster didn't know anything about what happened just now, but seeing Wukong in front of him who was only at the eighth level of the Dao, he instinctively felt a little afraid of Wukong. At first, the tiger-shaped monster was also strange, but when he felt Wukong The blood in his hand was closely related to himself, it was obviously his own blood, and he realized why he was afraid of Wukong. It turned out that his physical body was destroyed by a young man who was only at the eighth level of the Dao.

"Huh? Little guy, you are pretty good. You actually defeated an opponent of your own strength so quickly. Congratulations, you have successfully passed the first test. I hope you will perform so well in the future. As for the losers, your The treasure hunting journey is over here, you can leave." Suddenly the mysterious voice sounded at the beginning, and then Wukong saw a black hole appearing beside the tiger-shaped monster, and the tiger-shaped monster was sucked in without even struggling , and the black hole disappears.

(End of this chapter)

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