Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 694 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 694 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
"It seems that I just fell into a crazy fight just like them unconsciously. Could it be that the first level of the test is to defeat an opponent of equal strength in an unconscious state?" What happened and summarizing what the mysterious voice said, Wukong kind of understood the purpose of this test.

Before he could think about it, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Wukong found himself on a wide avenue on a flat ground, and at the end of the avenue was a huge building.

"Is that the Tianjian Pavilion?" Looking at the huge building in front of him, Wukong didn't act impulsively, but looked around calmly.

There must be countless murderous intentions lurking on this seemingly peaceful road, it seems that I have to be more careful.

"By the way, let's see how Zixia is doing first." Wukong suddenly thought that Zixia was still staying in his Qitian universe.

After looking inside his Qitian universe, Wukong found that Zixia had woken up, but she was still imprisoned by him at this moment, looking around in confusion.

Seeing that Zixia was awake, Wukong immediately released Zixia's confinement, and then shouted to Zixia: "Zixia, are you alright?"

After recovering her freedom, Zixia immediately got rid of her fear after hearing Wukong's voice, and ecstatically shouted into the air: "Wukong, I'm fine, where are you? Why can't I see you?"

When Wukong saw Zixia's expression changed from worry to peace of mind, he felt a burst of heartache for no reason.

What's wrong with me?Why do you feel this way?Could it be that he really fell in love with Zixia?

"Zixia, it's good that you are fine, don't worry, you are in my other universe now." Wukong suddenly found his tone became very gentle.

After hearing Zixia's voice, Zixia was also obviously taken aback, staring at the void with a complicated expression, she obviously felt that Wukong's tone of speaking to her became much gentler, and her concern for herself was very strong.

But Zixia's most inner emotion at this time is happiness, and she is happy that Wukong finally changed his attitude towards her from the bottom of his heart.

Although Wukong cared about Zixia very much in the past, it was just a concern between friends at that time, but now it is different, Zixia feels that Wukong is in love with her, not because of the fate of marriage, but from Wukong's heart I fell in love with myself, and the thing I had been looking forward to for a long time finally came, I was really so happy.

"What's wrong with Zixia?" Seeing Zixia's obsessed expression, Wukong couldn't help becoming nervous, for fear that Zixia would have any accidents.

"Zixia, Zixia, are you alright?" Wukong couldn't help being a little nervous when he called Zixia's name softly.

Being called by Wukong, Zixia suddenly woke up, and then her cheeks turned red, at the same time, Zixia lowered her head and said shyly: "I, I'm fine, Wukong, why am I in your universe? Inside, I remember that I was on a grassland outside Tianjian Pavilion just now? By the way, I remember that everyone went crazy and killed each other." Zixia suddenly remembered what happened before.

Hearing that Zixia was fine, I felt relieved, "It's good that you're fine, you were like those people before, and you became that kind of state. After I found out, I imprisoned you in time and brought you into my life without any living body." In the universe, I also entered that state after that, but I passed the assessment and entered the safe zone, so I checked how you were doing, and found that you have woken up, Zixia, do you remember you? How did you wake up? Did anything unusual happen after you woke up?"

(End of this chapter)

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