Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 695 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 695 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
Hearing what Wukong said, Zixia was first afraid, then worried, and finally relieved. In a moment, her heart changed very richly. Finally, Zixia shook her head and said that she didn't know, "I don't know why I woke up. , I remember that I was still with you one moment, and I found myself imprisoned here the next moment. There is no abnormality, but I feel very familiar with you, the flowing gas in the universe, but in my memory, I used to be absolutely Haven't seen it."

"He woke up somehow? Could it be that after leaving the grassland, he was no longer affected by the mysterious power, so Zixia passed the examination by luck." Wukong thought thoughtfully.

Don't think too much, as long as Zixia is fine, let Zixia out now.

With a thought and a flash of brilliance, Zixia immediately appeared beside Wukong.

But as soon as Zixia appeared beside Wukong, the mysterious voice sounded again, and the tone was very shocking, "How is this possible? How could you lift my blood killing curse? You didn't kill someone who is as powerful as you!" People who have been affected by the blood killing curse, how can you break my blood killing curse with your small cultivation base, what is going on here?"

Hearing what the mysterious man said, Wu Kong was stunned for a moment. Hearing the tone of the mysterious voice, they had been hit by his blood killing curse before, and the mysterious man was very confident in his blood killing curse. The blood killing curse was not so easy to break Yes, it seems that people with the same combat power who have the same blood killing curse must be killed to break the blood killing curse, so Zixia can't break the blood killing curse just because she left the grassland.

What exactly is going on?Could it have something to do with his Qi Tian universe?Wukong suddenly remembered that there was a change in his Qitian universe before, and there was an unknown mysterious gas in it, so Wukong boldly assumed that it was because of his own Qitian universe, but now is not the time to study those. Here, I will study my own Qitian universe carefully.

Although the mysterious man was shocked, he did not continue to investigate further, and the mysterious voice stopped for the time being.

At this time, Zixia was rather confused. When Wukong asked her just now, she was still a little confused. Now that the mysterious voice sounded, she was even more unclear.

But when she saw Wukong beside her, she felt relieved and stopped thinking about it.

At the same time, in a secret room deep in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, a young man in blue frowned, and said to himself unhappily: "Such a thing can happen, such words are not good for her! It seems that I Gotta help her."

On the flat ground around Tianjiange, only Wukong and Wukong passed the first test at this time.

Looking around, Wukong did not act rashly. After thinking for a while, Wukong finally made up his mind to go forward.

Turning around, she looked at Zixia with soft eyes, and then said to Zixia: "Zixia, you stay here first, I will go forward to inquire about it first, and then I will come to pick you up."

Zixia shook her head stubbornly after hearing this, "I don't want it, I want to go with you."

Hearing that Zixia insisted on being with him, Wukong was a little embarrassed, but he continued to dissuade Zixia from staying, and then Wukong's hands gently grabbed Zixia's shoulders, and gently persuaded Zixia: " Zixia, be obedient, the road ahead is very dangerous, and I can't guarantee that I can take good care of you when the time comes, you wait here for a while, and I will pick you up after I have checked clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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