Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 696 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 696 Heavenly Sword Pavilion (VIII)
At this time, the relationship between Wukong and Zixia has also undergone subtle changes.

Hearing that Wukong is so concerned about her own safety, Zixia also understands that her own strength will only drag Wukong down, but she is still a little worried about Wukong's safety, "Then, Wukong, you have to be careful."

"Haha! Don't worry, don't you understand me?" In order to reassure Zixia, Wukong finally promised solemnly: "You wait here, I will come back to pick you up soon."

Zixia nodded reassuringly. At this time, she felt that Wukong would definitely do what he said, so she chose to trust Wukong completely, "Wukong, then go and come quickly, I will wait for you here."

After bidding farewell to Zixia, Wukong walked towards Tianjian Pavilion.

Walking slowly on the road leading to the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, Wukong pulled himself together, compressed Daoxuan within [-] meters around him, and walked forward step by step.

"Could it be just the previous test?" Wukong looked around cautiously, but found nothing suspicious. The road was very quiet, terrifyingly quiet.

Don't think about it anymore, Wukong continued on his way, soldiers came to block him, water came to cover him, what to be afraid of.

When Wukong was about to approach Tianjiange, there was still a distance of more than 1000 meters.

Suddenly he found movement behind him, and soon he sensed that other people had passed the first level. When Wukong found them, they had just reached the edge of Wukong's perception, and they were still rushing towards him at high speed.

In the blink of an eye, someone surpassed Wukong, but before the people who ran in front of Wukong ran far, hundreds of sharp sword qi burst out suddenly from both sides of the road, instantly blasting those people into scum, even Yuanshen and soul nor escape,

Annihilated under the destructive sword energy, only the true spirit reincarnated back.

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Wukong's expression changed, because all the monks who rushed forward just now were all monks of the Great Perfection, and they were killed by the sudden sword energy in an instant, and they were killed without reacting at all. .

The sword energy appeared too suddenly, and too fast.

"When those sword qi appeared, there was no warning at all. They just appeared on both sides of the road out of thin air, making people careless."

"However, those people just now are worthy of death. At least let us know that there are problems on both sides of this road, and we can take precautions." Seeing the sudden incident in front of him, Wukong also stopped, and continued to move forward without recklessness. .

The people who came later were also afraid for a while, and they were glad that they did not run too fast, and some people were glad that they were more cautious and did not rush over immediately.

Soon, a large number of ascetics gathered a hundred meters away from the place where the sword energy erupted just now. Everyone didn't notice that Wukong was in front of those who had the accident before, and they were still walking slowly, so they thought that Wukong was with him.

They entered this space around the same time.

At this time, Wukong was looking for Zixia's whereabouts. Almost all the ascetics who entered this space gathered in this place, but Wukong just didn't find Zixia.

, but no trace of Zixia was found, and Zixia disappeared for no reason.

"Where did Zixia go? Why is there no sign of Zixia?" Wukong was very worried about Zixia's safety, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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