Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 697 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 697 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
"How did this happen? How could Zixia disappear for no reason? Could it be?"

Wukong suddenly thought of a possibility, but in the end he shook his head and denied it, "Probably not, the attention of the other people who came in later was basically focused on the Tianjian Pavilion in front, and even some people rushed over as soon as they came in, so
Therefore, those people in front also fell, and Zixia did not offend the people here, they should not restrain and hide Zixia as soon as they come up without saying a word, otherwise Zixia will definitely have something to say if they say a few words. Time to tell me, will there be any connection with that mysterious voice?

Guan, if this is the case, it seems that I can only hope to find Zixia's whereabouts if I go deep into the Tianjian Pavilion. "

After making up his mind, Wukong focused on the passage leading to Tianjian Pavilion.

"Damn it, there is a very powerful barrier in this space, and it is impossible to teleport over there. If you rush over, you are looking for death. The speed of those people rushing just now was already very fast, but they were still strangled by the sudden sword energy.
up. "Soon Wukong heard the discussion of some ascetics.

"The sword energy seems to appear only when we pass through it, otherwise we would have figured out how to pass there long ago."

"That's right, even before we used puppets, we didn't elicit the appearance of sword energy, and we arrived at the entrance of Tianjian Pavilion safely and soundly. The powerful sword energy did not appear on the way, but we couldn't enter Tianjian Pavilion, because the past

The puppet found that there was a stone tablet, and it was written that the Heavenly Sword Pavilion would only be opened if the treasure hunter body passed through the "death sword formation" and arrived at the gate of Tianjian Pavilion safely, and only the treasure hunter who passed through could enter Tianjian Pavilion, that is to say, other people
The puppets sent over couldn't take the opportunity to sneak in.In the end, a monster got impatient and tried to rush over quickly, but the sword energy was faster, and ended up dying. After that, no one dared to rush. "

"This channel obviously has a powerful sword array, which is completely aimed at us. It is useless to be able to identify whether the past is our body, even if the past is a puppet with our aura and life.

Only when the body passes through will the sword array be launched and strangle us. "

"Such a powerful sword formation, how should we get there?"

Everyone tried all kinds of methods, from throwing a ball of energy at the beginning to using puppets with their own breath and life breath, but they couldn't find a breakthrough in the sword formation.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Wukong couldn't help frowning, but he soon returned to normal, and a firm belief was born in Wukong's heart, "These people were frightened by what happened just now, and they didn't dare to act rashly. it seems i
I have to break through, since the stone tablet over there is written like that, it means that this 'Perishing Sword Formation' can be broken through. Zixia's current whereabouts are unknown, I can't delay any longer, I must rush over. "

Wukong boosted his speed to the maximum, and his speed in this Hongmeng sanctuary far exceeded the speed of light, almost [-] times the speed of light, and he was definitely at the top among this group of people.

With a 'bang', Wukong's body burst out like a cannonball.

"What? What is this place?" In less than a ten-thousandth of a second, Wukong rushed to the road where the sword energy appeared just now, and Wukong suddenly found himself in another place.

(End of this chapter)

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