Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 698 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 698 Heavenly Sword Pavilion ([-])
Entering this mysterious space, Wukong found that his Daoxuan had been suppressed to such a degree that it could only cover a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

Under the cover of Daoxuan, there are 36 huge silver giant swords floating around Wukong. center.

"Not good!" Without waiting for Wukong to think about it, a huge sense of crisis hit his heart.

Wukong reacted in an instant, and a large amount of rank nine holy power gushed out from his body, covering his whole body in an instant, and teleported out at the same time.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and huge energy fluctuations rippled away from the area where Wukong initially stagnated.

It turned out that 36 huge sword qi burst out from the 36 giant swords just now and struck the area where Wukong was originally. Although the speed did not reach the speed of light, such a short distance was reached in an instant. The sword qi strikes.

"Huh? What's going on? Why is this energy fluctuation so weak? It's only reached the initial level of the eighth level of the general Dao. How can this little energy make me feel dangerous? No, it's the 36 giant swords." Avoid After the attack just now, Wukong immediately judged the power of the 36 sword qi from the energy fluctuation of the sword qi just now.

He didn't feel the energy that was enough to threaten him from above, and now the sense of crisis has not been eliminated, Wukong immediately realized that it was the 36 silver giant swords that threatened him.

"Hiss!" Sure enough, in less than a second from just now, under the cover of Wukong's highly concentrated Daoxuan, the 36 silver giant swords immediately burst out 36 huge sword qi, and the power was dozens of times stronger than before. The speed is faster than before.

This time Wukong didn't dodge, but met 36 huge sword qi.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. It's better every time, but with the energy of the middle eighth stage of the Dao, I can't help my old grandson, break it!" With a violent shout, thousands of golden lights burst out from Wukong's body, 36 As soon as the silver sword energy touched the golden light, it was instantly annihilated in the golden light.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" As if feeling Wukong's disdain, the 36 silver giant swords gave out bursts of low-pitched dragon roars, and a powerful wave of energy burst out in an instant.

"It's unexpectedly raised to the level of great perfection all of a sudden. It's better than Zhang Yunxiao's full-strength attack with red phosphorus flames, but it's still not enough for me now." Although I feel that this energy is much stronger, but Not enough for Goku to go all out.

This time, Wukong poured out nine-turn holy power to fill his fists, and waved his fists to meet the 36 sword qi, which was faster and more powerful than before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" A sword qi was shattered with one punch, and Wukong punched 36 times in the blink of an eye, destroying 36 astonishing silver sword qi in an instant.

After destroying the 36 sword qi, Wukong was ready for the next attack, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement.

Suddenly the illusory voice from before sounded again: "Congratulations, you have passed the second level of Death Sword Formation. This level is mainly to test the reaction ability and adaptability of the passers-by, and the second is the ability to leapfrog challenges. Unexpectedly You can easily destroy the energy attacks of ordinary Dzogchen ascetics with a full-strength strike with your cultivation at the beginning of the eighth stage of the Dao."

 I'm sorry, my grandfather is hospitalized these days, and I'm staying with my grandfather in the hospital

(End of this chapter)

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