Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 699 Heavenly Sword Pavilion

Chapter 699 Heavenly Sword Pavilion (Eleventh)

"Your ability to leapfrog challenges is very strong, far exceeding my assessment limit, and your initial reaction ability and adaptability are not weak. You can pass this level, but unfortunately, my understanding of the way of swords is yours. No more, someone has already inherited my understanding of the way of the sword."

In the end, there was a hint of pity in the tone of the mysterious voice.

Hearing that someone has inherited the mysterious person's understanding of kendo, Wukong's first thought is the missing Zixia, because Zixia is also a swordsman.

When Wukong was about to ask, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. Wukong found himself on the road leading to Tianjian Pavilion again, and his body was still flying at a high speed.

Seeing that he was about to hit the gate of Tianjiange, Wukong stopped immediately.

At the same time, Wukong heard the conversation of those ascetics coming from behind.

"Someone actually let the puppet go, don't you know it's useless?"

"It made me so happy that the puppet would not activate at all after passing through the Death Sword Formation. I thought someone would dare to break into it again, but it turned out to be another puppet."

"It's probably later, I don't know the situation."

There was only one person present who looked at Wukong's back and fell into deep thought. This person was Tian Kai. He felt that the back in front of him was a bit familiar, and his intuition told him that the person in front of him was not a puppet. Blocked by an invisible barrier, he couldn't penetrate into it at all, so he couldn't perceive Wukong's appearance and life breath.

"Bang!" Just as everyone was discussing, a loud noise came from a thousand meters away to the right of everyone.

"It's another person trying to break in from other places, but he doesn't know that someone has already tried it before, so he can only pass through this road. There are powerful barriers in other places." Without even looking at it, most of the people present Most people know what's going on there.

Wukong learned from the conversations of the crowd that in the eyes of the crowd, he passed through the passage at the back without encountering any obstacles at all.

"It seems that the death sword formation is a phantom formation of time and space. No matter how long it has been inside, when I come out, the time outside the world is still at the moment I entered the death sword formation, so everyone just thinks that I have nothing to do. Fly over with hindrance."

"No matter what, from what the mysterious voice said just now, someone has already inherited his understanding of kendo, isn't it Zixia?" Before Wukong thought about it, the scene in front of him suddenly changed again.

The Tianjian Pavilion disappeared, replaced by countless towering trees, and Wukong found himself on the main vein of the former Qinglan Mountains, where the secret realm of the Tianjian Pavilion appeared.

Not only he is here, other students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple and many monsters are also here, all looking around in bewilderment.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the mysterious voice rang again: "Unfortunately, my Tianjian Pavilion has been acquired by a little guy named Zixia. You have no chance with my Tianjian Pavilion. Where did you come from?" Just go back there!"

"It's true that Zixia inherited the mysterious man's comprehension of kendo, and also got the entire Tianjian Pavilion. It seems that Zixia's life is not in danger for the time being, but..." Wukong frowned secretly after scanning for a week.

The fact that Zixia got the Tianjian Pavilion has been known by everyone. It is a treasure that even the supreme Taoists are jealous of. As long as Zixia appears, it will immediately cause death. It is estimated that those supreme Taoists in Qingfeng Town will also take action.

(End of this chapter)

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