Chapter 700 Intimidation ([-])

This is a big problem. Regarding the people in front of him, I am not so mad that I can kill them all, and I don't have the ability to kill all the ascetics present. This news will definitely spread.

It seems that there is only one step to go.

Wukong did not choose to leave immediately, but found an open space nearby and sat cross-legged to enter a shallow level of cultivation, and expanded Daoxuan to the maximum, waiting for Zixia to appear.

Not only did Wukong have no intention of leaving, but the others sat cross-legged in place and waited for Zixia to appear. Of course, they would not give up such a huge treasure easily.

Only one person left, and that was Tian Kai. He knew who Zixia was from Yaoguang Peak, and before he came out, he went to find out what happened on the day of the freshman assessment because Zixia and Wukong had received so many rewards. of

After knowing the talents of Zixia and Wukong, I was shocked and delighted.

Especially Zixia's talent is very high, such a shocking genius must be friends, and he is a good person, so he can't let Zixia fall into crisis and ignore it.

Although he was also envious of Zixia getting the treasures of Tianjian Pavilion, especially the kendo inheritance of the original owner of Tianjian Pavilion, listening to the mysterious voice, his kendo inheritance would be tempted even by those who are strong in the Dao of Nothingness.

The power of nothingness!Even they, the mayor of Qingfeng Town, are the supreme beings that the majestic Supreme Dao powerhouses need to look up to!
But soon Tian Kai was relieved. Only a shocking genius like Zixia is qualified to inherit such an opportunity. No one present is more qualified than Zixia. Even in the whole Qingfeng Town, only Zixia has that qualification. , after all the purple
With Xia's talent, she also has the hope of aspiring to such a high fruit status in the future.

Before leaving, Tian Kai told the trustworthy person who was traveling with him to pay attention to the development of the situation, and notify him through the ID card if there is any movement.

Although Tian Kai has a magic weapon for long-distance communication such as an identity card, although Tian Kai's status in Yaoguang Peak is not low, it is not high enough to be friends with the two peak masters of Yaoguang Peak, so he has to return fluctlight in person

Feng looked for the two peak masters and asked for help.

Under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, all the actions of all the ascetics present could not escape Wukong's surveillance, so Wukong understood what Tian Kai did.

Even Wukong heard the sound transmission between Tian Kai and his trusted person.

Wukong's Daoxuan Stage [-] is much higher than Tian Kai's Saint Thought Stage [-] and the man's Saint Thought Stage [-], and it is qualitatively suppressed, so it is completely possible to eavesdrop on the sound transmission of the two of them.

Therefore, Wukong also understood the purpose of Tian Kai's departure.

"This Tian Kai's thinking is a bit too simple. The original owner of the Tianjiange is likely to be a Void Dao powerhouse. The treasure of a Void Dao powerhouse is even the inheritance of swordsmanship. Even ordinary Void Dao powerhouses will Missing, let alone Qingfeng
After suppressing this group of Supreme Dao powerhouses, the two peak masters of Yaoguang Peak are likely to be jealous, and they may also attack Zixia at that time. "Finding that Tian Kai has gradually gone away, Wukong shook his head secretly.

"Even if they suppress the desire in their hearts and don't rob Zixia's treasures and inheritance, there is no guarantee that other Supreme Dao powerhouses will not snatch them. At worst, after Zixia comes out, they will take her out of here to find places
Hide, the Qinglan Mountains are so big, the dangerous land in the entire territory of Qingfeng Daoist Temple, the ruins are of course even bigger, and the spiritual power of the Supreme Dao in Qingfeng Town is only at the level of holy thoughts, under the suppression of the rules of the Hongmeng Sanctuary , as long as we have the heart to hide, they

It is very difficult to find us, unless they have some high-level magic weapon for large-scale detection. Although the possibility is very small, it is also possible. In the current situation, we can only gamble. "

"As for Tian Kai, although the result of his actions may not be satisfactory, he is not bad. His first wish was to think about Zixia's safety. This person is worthy of deep friendship. If there is a chance, he will repay him in the future."

As for the three of Yunxuanling, Wukong didn't intend to inform them to come here. After all, they would probably run away to avoid the pursuit of many Supreme Dao powerhouses, so they couldn't implicate Yunxuanling and them.

(End of this chapter)

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