Chapter 701 Intimidation ([-])
At the same time, the Saints of Destruction and Creation who were cultivating in Yaoguang Peak also learned about the situation from the main body, and they immediately merged into one and left Yaoguang Peak to go to other dangerous places in Qingfeng Gymnasium.

At this time, there was a blurry figure looking down on the crowd a thousand meters above Wukong and the others in the Qinglan Mountains.

Although this person is within the coverage of the spiritual power of everyone present, the freshmen who can come here and are still alive are at least at the beginning of the fifth stage of the Heavenly Dao, and this cultivation base has at least comprehended the seventh stage of divine consciousness, that is, they can Consciousness expands the most

About 6000 meters, far more than 1000 meters.

But everyone didn't notice the existence of the blurred figure, even Wukong mastered the high-level Daoxuan Section [-], and he didn't notice the existence of the blurred figure.

"It's a good thing I'm here to help Zixia, otherwise the ownership of Tianjian Pavilion may be taken away by this boy named Monkey King." Qingfeng Taoist Temple
Xuanyuan, one of the masters, was not heard by Wukong and his group when he was talking to himself at this time.

"However, this guy named Sun Wukong didn't check carefully before, and he was mistaken. He has such a strong combat power at the early stage of the eighth level of Dao, and he also has Daoxuan and a physical defense ability comparable to the first level of Supreme Dao. compared to absolutely
Most of the geniuses of the Lixiu family in Wangcheng are strong, and it is already very good for a kid from an outland to have this achievement. "

"But this level is still very poor. That little girl named Zixia is far from this, and her luck is not strong. Why was she accepted by the master as a closed disciple, and let me and senior brother Xuantian help her?" When we grow up, we are brothers

The sisters didn't enjoy this kind of treatment, so I really can't figure it out. "Shaking his head, Xuan Yuan stopped thinking deeply, and the already blurred figure gradually became more blurred until it disappeared.

Under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, Wukong heard someone talking about Zixia.

"Which peak is this Zixia from? Why haven't I heard of this character before? He was able to pass the first level test before us, and when we arrived at the second level test site, he had already passed the second level test to enter Tianjian Pavilion obtained
The treasures and kendo inheritance of Tianjian Pavilion, this person is definitely not simple, such a person has never been heard of before, it seems that he usually hides it very deeply! "The ascetic thinks that Zixia is an old student of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and she is not weaker than him.

"Senior Brother Lu Peng, maybe he is not a student of our Qingfeng Daoist Temple, but a monster in the Qinglan Mountains." Another student of Qingfeng Daoist Temple said unknowingly.

"Hmph! Just because of that group of savage monsters, they are worthy. They don't have that ability at all. Zixia must be a student of our Qingfeng Taoist Temple." Lu Peng snorted arrogantly, and glanced at the scene with disdain. said the monster.

"Boy, since you insulted our monsters." Lu Peng's disdain seriously angered all the monsters, and one of the powerful monsters stood up and shouted at Lu Peng angrily.

Lu Peng squinted at the monster, and said in an arrogant and disdainful tone: "What's wrong with just insulting you? The strongest monster in the Qinglan Mountains is not as good as the top ten juniors in our Qingfeng Taoist Temple, let alone Compared with the elites in our inner courtyard

. "

Suddenly, a mighty aura burst out from Lu Peng's body, overwhelming the monster immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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