Chapter 707 Intimidation ([-])
Time passed by little by little, and two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly the space trembled, a golden light flashed where Shimen was originally located, and then a beautiful figure appeared.

This change immediately attracted everyone's attention. After seeing a person appearing, everyone's eyes lit up and they were very excited.

In particular, Lu Peng teleported to Zixia first, and at the same time the people beside Lu Peng also started to move. They also teleported to not far behind Lu Peng, watching everyone with vigilance.

Seeing this situation, everyone did not dare to act rashly, because one of the few people blocking them was the fifth-ranked existence in the outer courtyard.

The top ten of the outer court who came here are three people. The others are either in retreat or have gone to other places to practice. The other two are ranked eighth and tenth, and they are not in this ranking. fifth opponent, especially

There is also Lu Peng, an elite in the inner court, who makes them even more taboo and dare not take action easily.

Moreover, most of the people present didn't know Zixia's identity, and thought that she might be as powerful as Lu Peng, so they wanted Lu Peng to snatch her. Opportunity snatched.

The few people who knew Zixia's identity were also thinking differently, watching the situation quietly, and taking action according to the situation.

At this time, Wukong moved a little bit towards Zixia's direction, ready to find the right opportunity to make a surprise attack.

Seeing a person suddenly appearing a few meters in front of her, Zixia suddenly felt vigilant and looked at the person in front of her vigilantly.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

"Wow! It's so beautiful." After seeing Zixia's appearance clearly, Lu Peng couldn't help being stunned.

Although Zixia's appearance has not changed at this time, her temperament is more charming. Not only Lu Peng is stunned, but also the people behind her are also stunned obsessively after seeing Zixia's face.

"Damn it, now is not the time to look at beauties, huh? Why are you only at the seventh level of Dao Dao, and your life pattern shows that you are only over 1 years old. You are actually a new student, and you are still a casual cultivator. It turns out that your strength is not far inferior to mine. As a casual cultivator, at such an age to reach such
This level of cultivation shows that his talent is very high, or his luck is high, no wonder he can get the treasure and inheritance of Tianjian Pavilion. "It didn't take long for Lu Peng to react. After scolding himself secretly, Lu Peng began to look at Zixia. Since Zixia didn't hide her cultivation, her cultivation

It is seen through at once, and the life pattern is even easier to be seen through.

Not far away, Wukong saw Zixia's cultivation base at this time, and thought to himself: "It seems that Zixia has gained a lot of benefits in Tianjian Pavilion after actually improving her cultivation base by two major stages in such a short period of time. !"

"Hehe, are you Zixia junior?" Then Lu Peng asked with a charming smile.

"That's right, how do you know me? Who are you?" Zixia didn't know that the master of Tianjian Pavilion had already told her about her acquisition of treasures and inheritance. She frowned and said in a cold tone.

"Haha, yes, then I will introduce myself. I am Lu Peng from the inner court. For the sake of you being a peerless beauty, I will not rob you. I will open the skylight to speak frankly and directly take the sky you got. Hand over the treasures of the Jiange Pavilion and the inheritance of the Sword Dao!
"Lu Peng moved his mind to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and didn't want to grab it openly, so he directly reported his identity and let Zixia back out and hand it over.

"Oh, it turned out that it was my attention to get the treasure and inheritance. I'm sorry, but I can't satisfy your wish." When Zixia heard that she was here to grab the treasure, she looked at Lu Peng more vigilantly, and took a few steps back , ready to do it at any time.

Seeing Zixia's behavior and hearing Zixia's negative words, Lu Peng's face suddenly changed, "Huh, don't toast or eat fine wine, don't think that you are a girl, and you are a peerless beauty, I dare not say goodbye to you." You do it, say it again, you are
To pay or not to pay. "

Immediately, a powerful aura erupted from Lu Peng's body, and the powerful coercion pressed directly on Zixia.

(End of this chapter)

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