Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 708 Life and Death Escape

Chapter 708 Life and Death Escape ([-])

Under the oppression of Lu Peng's powerful momentum, Zixia appeared extremely calm, without any sign of panic, and she easily resisted Lu Peng's coercion.

Earlier, Wukong had sent a voice transmission to Zixia to ask her to cooperate with him, "Zixia, when I make a move, you can take the opportunity to escape to the rear and find a safe place to hide, and I will join you as soon as possible."

Seeing that Zixia was so calm and not affected by her own coercion, Lu Peng hesitated a bit, "Facing my coercion at such a close distance with a cultivation base of the seventh level of the Dao, she was not affected at all. Dao Dzogchen also
It's impossible to have no influence at all. Could it be that she is hiding her strength?Probably not, for a freshman, still such a young casual cultivator, to have the cultivation base of the seventh level of the Dao is already very lucky. Could it be that she is majoring in spiritual power, which is relatively strong?
?There is this possibility. "

"It's now." Under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, Wukong easily noticed the change in Lu Peng's expression.

Wukong, who had been preparing for a long time, quickly teleported to the people behind Lu Peng.

The reason why I didn't teleport directly to Zixia was because the people who followed Lu Peng jointly shielded the space around them. If the law of time and space can't be far surpassed by the combination of them, they can't easily Broken, let alone light
Easy to pass through.

So Wukong chose to break through their defenses directly.

"The man in blue gives me the weakest feeling, so I have to break through from him, and must break through in a short time." In an instant, Wukong appeared in front of one of the men in blue, and punched out.

Immediately, a violent force shot out from Wukong's right fist, directly hitting the blue-clothed man's face.

The man in blue had long been guarding against someone breaking out, and had prepared for a counterattack early in the morning.

Seeing the man suddenly appearing in front of him and throwing a devastating punch, the man in blue immediately shouted, "Xingyan Lieyang Fist."

Endless sparks came all over the sky, instantly blocking all of Wukong's escape routes.

But Wukong didn't intend to retreat either. Under the inconceivable expression of the man in blue, Wukong's right fist exuded golden light and scattered the sparks all over the sky from the man in blue. Gradually zoom in.

With a 'bang', he punched firmly into the body shield that the man in blue had condensed in advance.

"Crack!" The shield of the man in blue was instantly shattered, and at the same time, Wukong's punch hit the man in blue again.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of golden blood spurted out from the mouth of the man in blue, with an expression of disbelief, the man in blue was immediately knocked away by Wukong's punch, and flew backwards from Lu Peng. It stopped after bumping into countless big trees.

After knocking one person into the air, Wukong didn't show any intention of stopping. Wukong flew towards Lu Peng at the fastest speed, and at the same time accumulated a lot of nine-rank holy power, which was bound to succeed in one blow.

All this happened so fast, in less than a second, the few people following Lu Peng never expected that someone would repel their partners in an instant, and they were stunned for a moment. With their strength, the people present Except for Lu Peng, no one should be able to do this

It was right to repel them so easily, but what happened to this stranger who suddenly appeared in front of him?

The enchantment cast by the people following Lu Peng is only to prevent someone from teleporting over. If someone flies directly over, there is no blocking effect at all. There is no defense against this, because they don't think that other people present have the ability to break through in a short time he
The defense line of the few of them.

But there are always accidents. They didn't expect Wukong to break through the defense of one of them so easily, and the man in blue didn't hinder the opponent at all, as if the man in blue didn't block at all, Wukong easily passed the defense. arrive
It hit their rear, and the speed was so fast, they had no time to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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