Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 710 Life and Death Escape

Chapter 710 Life and Death Escape ([-])

Therefore, a person's future achievements are closely related to aptitude, understanding, resources, skills, luck, etc.

This is also why some casual cultivators clearly have the same degree of fusion of Dao, comprehension and luck as some powerful disciples, but there is a huge gap in cultivation at the same age. This is the huge gap caused by factors such as resources and skills.

Most of the casual cultivators in Qingfeng Town practice low-grade grandmeng yellow-rank exercises. Such exercises are very easy to obtain, and there is a chance to obtain one from one of the Hongmeng purple qi for every one hundred Hongmeng purple qi. Fen Hongmeng Huang rank low-grade low-grade kung fu method or
Those are martial arts and secret techniques.

Skills of this level (martial arts, secret arts) are absolutely top-notch in the Dao universe, and rarely appear in the universe of heaven and planes (martial arts, secret arts) of this level. Tao Universe and Supreme Tao Universe This also belongs to

Upper-middle-class skills (martial arts, secret techniques).

But in Hongmeng Sanctuary, it is the bottom one, and it is worthless at all.

As for the Hongmeng Huang rank low-grade middle-level and above exercises (martial arts, secret arts), they have to be obtained in some secret places, or go to some shops and auctions to buy them.

What Lu Peng is currently performing is a low-level middle-rank martial art of Hongmeng Huang rank. With his current cultivation base, performing martial skills of this level can also achieve some bonus effects.

This move has completely reached the power of nine thousand five hundred and three universes. Although it only has three more powers of the universe than the one finger that killed the lion demon before, the power is much stronger.

Wukong's punch has only reached [-] cosmic power, if he doesn't use a stronger move, he will only lose.

Feeling that Wukong's attack only reached [-] cosmic powers, although it was stronger than the full-power burst ranked first in the outer court, it was not enough to compare with him, so Lu Peng slapped him contemptuously.

"Hmph!" As expected, Wukong knew that he had deceived the other party by pretending to burst out with all his strength, he snorted coldly in his heart, and secretly mobilized the nine-turn holy power, preparing to catch the other party by surprise.

"Break it for me." Wukong suddenly increased the output of the Nine-Turn Saint Power, the power reached 560 cosmic powers, and Wukong's Nine-Turn Xuan Gong had already been cultivated to the third largest turn and the second smallest turn. Qualitative changes have taken place, surpassing the previous revision

The height reached by those who practice the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu.

Therefore, the effect of relying on the addition of nine-turn holy power alone has far surpassed the low-grade martial arts of the Hongmeng Huang rank, and has reached the level of the middle-grade martial arts of the Hongmeng Huang rank. With the addition, it far surpasses Lu Peng
The Blazing Emperor Palm.

The nine-turn holy power was condensed on the right fist, and the bearer slammed into the giant palm in front of him with incomparable power.

This punch smashed the giant palm apart without any effort, and Wukong's momentum remained undiminished, and the attack was about to fall on Lu Peng's body.

Seeing that the opponent suddenly broke out with a more powerful punch and easily broke his own moves with a devastating force, Lu Peng was surprised and did not forget to fight back.

"Heavenly Sword Mystery·Huanzhen Wu." Lu Peng was about to unleash a more powerful move to counterattack, when suddenly a powerful aura locked him, and this powerful aura exuded a destructive and powerful sword meaning.

"No, I was careless." At this time, Lu Peng realized that there was another person behind him, and he was very close to him. The ants that he had ignored before had burst out with such a powerful sword intent.

He was attacked back and forth, and he was also locked in. Lu Peng couldn't escape at all. What made Lu Peng even more annoyed was that the attacks of both of them were very powerful. Either of them had to fight with all their strength. What's more, the two of them could only defend with all their strength now. .

A red light flashed, and a red mask appeared on Lu Peng's body.

"Boom!" Wukong's fist hit the red mask firmly, and the red mask only had a ripple, and there was no tendency to break it.

"Crack!" Seeing this, Lu Peng was not a little happy. Although his defensive magic weapon blocked Wukong's attack, the crisis was not resolved. Sure enough, countless sword qi behind him struck the red mask, and the red mask instantly cobweb-like cracks

, and it didn't take long for the red mask to be fragmented.

"It's so strong." Sensing the strength of Zixia's burst of sword energy, Wukong quickly moved aside.

Fortunately, Wukong evacuated in time, and Lu Peng was overwhelmed by countless sword qi in the next moment.

"Let's go." No matter what happens to Lu Peng under the attack of sword energy, now is a good time to escape, and time is waiting for no one. If the peak masters come, they will not be able to escape.

I once stepped into the realm of the Supreme Dao in my previous life, and I am very aware of the gap between my current strength and the Supreme Dao powerhouse. Although my physical defense is comparable to ordinary Supreme Dao first-order mid-stage powerhouses, my attack power is inferior. far away.

Hastily grabbed Zixia, who was a little weak, and teleported away.

(End of this chapter)

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