Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 711 Life and Death Escape

Chapter 711 Life and Death Escape ([-])

In the blink of an eye, Wukong took Zixia and disappeared within the coverage of everyone's spiritual power.

At this moment, everyone gradually came to their senses. It wasn't that they reacted too slowly, but that what happened just now was too short, and the whole process took only a few breaths.

In such a short time, the defense of Lu Hai and others was forced, Lu Peng's life and death are still unknown, and Zixia and the "mysterious man" also fled.

Lu Hai and the others looked anxiously and worriedly at Lu Peng who was submerged by the sword energy.

After the other people realized that they didn't have time to care about Lu Peng's life and death, they hurriedly chased in the direction where Wukong and the two were fleeing.

"Should we chase after him?" A green-robed man next to Lu Hai asked Lu Hai.

He was worried about Lu Peng's situation, but also worried that Zixia would run away or be robbed of the treasure by others, which would be troublesome.

"Hurry up and catch them up, don't let them run away, I'll just wait here." Lu Hai immediately assigned tasks to everyone.

"Okay, let's go first." The green-robed man was ready to leave with the others after speaking.

At this moment, there was a roar of a beast, and a ferocious fire wolf rushed out of the sword qi, devouring countless sword qi in the blink of an eye, and then dissipated in the sky and the earth.

At this time, Lu Peng's embarrassed figure appeared, and Lu Peng roared angrily: "Damn, I was careless. I didn't expect those two people to be so powerful, especially the one named Zixia, who was a seventh-level Daoist." The cultivation level actually burst out such a powerful sword attack, and it actually broke my Huoyuan armor. Wait, her move is called Tianjian Profound Truth. Could it be the inheritance of swordsmanship obtained in Tianjian Pavilion? Absolutely, I absolutely want to get this kind of inheritance.”

At the end, Lu Peng's voice became more and more excited, and a strong greed appeared on the surface.

Then Lu Peng raised his head and said to Lu Hai and others, "Those two people are not simple. Don't fight hard when you meet, and convey the specific news to me first. As for Lu Hai, you still stay to protect me. I was injured." , needs healing."

"Okay." Lu Hai and the others nodded in response, and then Lu Hai stayed to protect Lu Peng, while the others chased in the direction where Wukong and the two were fleeing.


"Zixia, are you alright?" Sensing that Zixia's state is very weak at this time, Wukong hastily probed out the nine-turn holy power to check, and found that Zixia was just depleted of sword energy, and she was just a little collapsed. It's okay, it didn't hurt at all.

Even so, Wukong was still a little worried about Zixia, worried that her forcibly performing martial arts beyond her own cultivation would bring a series of immeasurable sequelae.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." With a weak reply, Zixia's cheeks flushed slightly, and she lowered her head.

Wukong's Daoxuan is so powerful, although most of the Daoxuans went out to look for hiding places and observe the people who are chasing, but a small group of Daoxuans still paid attention to Zixia, Zixia's expression and slight movements, of course Wukong noticed .

After a moment of surprise, Wukong quickly understood why Zixia was like this, because he was flying at full speed with Zixia in his arms.

Without pointing it out, Wukong told Zixia to quickly restore Jianyuan and continue to drive at full speed.

Jianyuan is a special energy possessed by sword cultivators, which can evolve. No matter what level the ascetic has reached, it is called Jianyuan, and it also has a bonus effect.


"Xuan Guanzhu, what do you mean?" Not long ago, the ten peak masters of the ten peaks in the outer courtyard on the edge of the Qinglan Mountains gathered here, arguing with Xuan Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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