Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 712: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 712 Qi Tian Mutation ([-])

"Hehe, what do I mean? Then what do you mean? Have you forgotten the vow between you?" Xuan Yun leaned against a towering tree, lazily throwing away the leftover spiritual fruit in his hand, He said with a smile.

The expression of the master of the ten peaks in the outer court suddenly changed. How could they forget the oath they made before.

The latest oath took place not long ago, after Xuan Yuan became the master of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, everyone made the oath together.

The master of Eleven Peaks of the outer court, the manager of the inner court, and the two viewers of Qingfeng Temple cannot privately go to the area where the students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple practice. The resources there can only be mined and obtained by the students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. cannot


As for people other than Qingfeng Taoist Temple, it is even more impossible to mine at will. Without the permission of the two masters of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, they cannot even come in. There is a powerful formation around Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and even the mayor cannot easily break it.

"Then Xuan Guanzhu, why did you come here? It stands to reason that you should be in the inner courtyard. Why did you come to our outer courtyard? It seems that you arrived before us. Could it be that Fengzhu Zhu and Fengzhu Liu got the information in advance? I got the news, I informed you to come here early in the morning?"
Before the huge benefits, Ye Zhantian would not be so respectful to Xuan Yuan, not only him, but also the other nine peak masters.

"Brother Ye is right." Another peak master agreed with what Ye Zhantian said. Suddenly he found that Zhu Ze and Liu Hong were not here. Thinking of a possibility, this peak master suddenly changed his face and looked at Xuan angrily. Yuan roared: "Not good, Zhu Fengzhu and Liu Fengzhu are not the same.
Here, Master Xuanguan intercepted us again, could it be that the two of them have already gone there?That's right, you must have already gone there, Xuan Yuan, you are so despicable, I have long suspected that your motives for coming to our Qingfeng Taoist Temple are impure, but I didn't expect you to have evil intentions. said

In the end, the peak master called Xuan Yuan by his name without even the last trace of awe.

"Xuanyuan, don't think that you are the master of Qingfeng Dao Temple, we are afraid of you, don't forget that you are only invited by our ten major forces to be the master of the temple, and the real masters of Qingfeng Taoist temple are still our ten major forces."

"That's right, although you are powerful, you are not as strong as our top ten forces and the entire Qingfeng Town."

Hearing that Zhu Ze and Liu Hong might have gone to snatch the treasure, the expressions of the other peak masters changed drastically, and they threatened Xuan Yuan even more brazenly.

After listening to the threatening words of Ye Zhantian and others, Xuan Yuan not only did not show the slightest fear, but stood up straight with great interest, facing Ye Zhantian and others, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a hint of disdain The tone of the smile said: "Oh! Hehe, just rely on
You dare to threaten this seat, even your ancestors have to be respectful when seeing this seat, it seems that if you don't give you a little color, you really don't know the heights of the world, hum! "

With a cold snort, a powerful force erupted from Xuan Yuan, facing Ye Zhantian and ten people directly.

In an instant, Ye Zhantian and the others were crushed by this coercion and knelt directly on the ground, and their knees sank a foot deep into the ground. At this moment, they were like a small boat floating in the stormy sea. May be covered by the waves and sink at any time,
After feeling this powerful coercion, Ye Zhantian and ten people finally knew that they still underestimated Xuan Yuan.

According to the speculation of their ancestors, Xuan Yuan should also be the existence of the third-order peak of the Supreme Dao, but his strength is much stronger than that of the mayor Ye Yang and another temple master Shi Ming. Strong presence in the early stage
, such an existence can easily destroy the entire Qingfeng Town!

If they knew that this was far from Xuan Yuan's true cultivation, and they still underestimated Xuan Yuan too much, they didn't know what expression they would have.

(End of this chapter)

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