Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 713: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 713 Qitian Mutation ([-])

Under the oppression of Xuan Yuan's aura, Ye Zhantian and others found that they could not move at all, like fish on a chopping board, still being slaughtered.

Moreover, Ye Zhantian and others found that they couldn't even run the Supreme Power, and couldn't speak. If they could move their faces at this time, their facial expressions would be absolutely rich.

"Come on, Xuan Yuan is already a strong man in the early stage of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao. Our mayor's mansion's dominance in Qingfeng Taoist Temple is in jeopardy."

"What should we do? Xuan Yuan is so powerful, the treasure and inheritance will definitely be taken away by him."

"Xuanyuan hides his strength in our Qingfeng Town. Could it be that he knew early on that there is an inheritance of a suspected Void Dao powerhouse here?"

Seeing the surprise, panic, fear and other emotions in the eyes of Ye Zhantian and others, Xuan Yuan also guessed what they were thinking, so Xuan Yuan said lightly: "Don't worry, I have no interest in ruling Qingfeng Town, since You invited me to be Qingfeng Dao

Guanzhu, I will naturally abide by my duties, so it is absolutely impossible for you to do things that violate the agreement under my nose. "

"The treasure and inheritance belong to Zixia. That is her opportunity. You must be aware of her potential. Her future achievements are limitless. She has such a great opportunity since she came, which shows that her luck is very strong, not you. Comparable, such potential

If you don’t make good friends with each other, you want to seize their opportunities and do things that self-destruct the Great Wall. In this way, how can Qingfeng Taoist Temple recruit talents with great potential and develop Qingfeng Taoist Temple. "

"Perhaps you will say that she is not a member of your top ten forces. Even if she becomes stronger in the future, it will have no direct benefits for you. It is better to snatch the treasure for the development of your ten forces, and it may be the treasure of the Void Dao powerhouse and the treasure. heritage, no
I strike you down, even if you get the treasure, absolutely no one will be able to use that treasure and inheritance to prove the nihilistic dao status. On the contrary, you will attract countless foreign enemies to compete for it, and your Qingfeng Town will not be far from being destroyed by then. "

"Think about it carefully!" After saying the last sentence, Xuan Yuan immediately removed the coercion, and Ye Zhantian and others immediately felt that they could move, and there was no pressure on them.

Standing up, Ye Zhantian spoke first: "Hmph, Xuan Yuan, don't you want to get that treasure and inheritance?"

"No." Xuan Yuan said bluntly, without waiting for Ye Zhantian to continue asking, Xuan Yuan continued: "Zhu Ze and Liu Hong haven't received any news from here, they are still in Yaoguang Peak at this moment."

Ye Zhantian and the others got a direct voice transmission from their family members, so they rushed here very quickly. Zhu Ze and the others did not have contact information with the students of Yaoguang Peak in the outer courtyard. People's Tian Kai has not found them.

"Xuanyuan, do you think that a small young man of the Great Dao can protect the treasure and inheritance? Even without our help, even those students from the outer court are not something she can deal with, not to mention there will definitely be others at that time." inner courtyard students

What's more, you also said that once the news gets out, there will be those foreign enemies who are stronger than us coming to snatch it, do you think she can resist it?" Shen Hui stood up and asked.

Glancing at Shen Hui contemptuously, Xuan Yuan said contemptuously: "Idiots, wouldn't you block the news? I said it would attract foreign enemies, but would it attract foreign enemies? I just said that to you, casually That's all, even if it's really not blocked
It’s okay to be known by people outside the Qingfeng Taoist Temple and spread to other towns. With Zixia’s strong luck, she can definitely save the day. This is also a kind of training for her, but with your luck, hehe . "

Xuan Yuan didn't say the last sentence clearly, but the few people present were not idiots, they clearly said that they couldn't keep the treasure, and they were far inferior to a great young man.

"Hmph, since you think she can save herself from danger, let's give her some opportunities to temper herself." Shangguan Ze said coldly.

"Oh, since you guys want to have a bad relationship with Zixia, then I can't do anything about it. It's for your own good, but you didn't realize it. It's really kind of unrewarding. When Zixia becomes stronger, don't regret it then. , well, I won't stop you, you

please! "Xuan Yuan looked resentful, and then made way for Ye Zhantian and others to pass.

Xuan Yuan didn't play cards according to common sense at all, now Ziye Zhantian and the others looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Xuan Yuan is right, if they make a move, they will have an enemy with Zixia. It’s okay to grab the treasure, but if they don’t, they will be an enemy with a future strong man with great potential. Unless Zixia is killed, otherwise Their top ten forces are finished.

That Zixia's degree of fusion with the Tao is so high, and her luck is so strong, her future achievements will definitely not be low. Because of her strong luck, they have very little hope of snatching treasures and inheritance, or even killing Zixia.

It seems that they can't make a move anymore, since they can't make a move casually, let those juniors make a move, it's not a violation of the rules for them to make a move, and they can be regarded as 'fair competition'.

However, this matter is of great importance, so I'd better go back and ask the ancestors for advice before making the final decision.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhantian and the others looked at each other, and had a secret exchange, then they bid farewell to Xuan Yuan, turned and went back.

Seeing Ye Zhantian and the others leaving, Xuan Yuan snorted coldly. Of course he knew what they were thinking, and then looked deep into the Qinglan Mountains, "I can only help you here, and then it's up to you Yes." Then Xuan Yuan's figure disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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