Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 714: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 714 Qi Tian Mutation ([-])

"Everyone, are we really giving up fighting for the treasure and inheritance? You know, it is likely to be the treasure and inheritance left by the powerhouse of the Void Dao! If it is really the treasure and inheritance left by the Void Dao powerhouse, even Our ten major powers share the treasure equally

Tibet, shared inheritance, is enough to make our ten major forces stronger, far surpassing other towns, and it is not impossible for our ten major forces to give birth to the strongest of nothingness. We are really unwilling to give up such treasures and inheritance . "After leaving the Qinglan Mountains

, one of Ye Zhantian and his party said unwillingly.

"Hmph, do you think we'll be willing to do this? Although Xuan Yuan finally said he wouldn't stop us, who can guarantee that he won't make a move? We'd better report this matter first, and if Xuan Yuan finally If you want to stop it, it is

The ancestors and the others can't please them even if they make a move. You must know that Xuan Yuan is a strong man at the early stage of the fourth level of Supreme Dao. "Ye Zhantian snorted coldly.

"Oh, well, let's ask the ancestors first." The person before him sighed unwillingly.

Not only he was not reconciled, but everyone else sighed unwillingly, but when they thought of Xuan Yuan, they shook their heads helplessly, and then went their separate ways.

The ancestors of the ten major forces were immediately shocked when they received the news from Ye Zhantian and others.

After some internal discussions, the ten patriarchs immediately issued instructions to Ye Zhantian and the others, so that they should not act rashly, so as not to anger Xuanyuan.

Although they don't know why Xuan Yuan didn't go to snatch the treasure and inheritance, it is undoubtedly a good thing for them to have one less powerful opponent. The reason why Xuan Yuan didn't take action to snatch it is because they learned afterwards that Zhu Ze and the two really didn't go to Qinglan. the mountains

, and if Xuan Yuan really went to snatch it, is it necessary to stop them?With his strength of the fourth level of Supreme Dao, he is not afraid of anyone in Qingfeng Town.

Before being sure about Xuan Yuan's clear attitude, the Supreme Dao powerhouses of the ten major forces would not act at will, and it would be enough to send some of their disciples in the inner courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple to act.

Lu Peng's strength is only an inferior existence among the elites in the inner court. The latest news they learned was that Lu Peng appeared there, so they thought it necessary to send some children from the inner court to compete with Lu Peng for treasures and inheritance. After Xia came out and realized
They still don't know the news that Li Dazeng fled after injuring Lu Peng.

It doesn't matter even if they know, Lu Peng and the others look down on them, not to mention that Zixia just attacked and injured Lu Peng, and the only ones who can pose a threat to the children they send out are the elite children of the inner court from other forces among the top ten forces. For them, the top ten

The elite children of other forces in the inner court are the ones who are worth noting, and they are the biggest competitors for the inner court children of their families to compete for the treasure.

The situation was urgent, and the children from the inner courtyard of the top ten forces who received the news rushed to the Qinglan Mountains to fight for the treasure. They were afraid that Lu Peng would hide the treasure after taking it, and it would be difficult to find it.

In the depths of the Qinglan Mountains, the students who were far away from Wukong had already grouped up to look for Wukong and Wukong in different directions. At this time, they had lost track of Wukong and him.

"Why hasn't the peak master come yet? With their speed, they should be here soon!?" The ten major forces that notified the ten peak masters before had this doubt in the hearts of the children of the outer courtyard, but they did not dare to send any more messages Ask, after all the ten peak masters
Whether it is their elders or the Supreme Dao powerhouse, they dare not question them.

"Wukong, we don't need to run away, stop now." Wukong, who was flying at full speed, suddenly heard Zixia's faint voice.

Although Zixia said so, Wukong didn't mean to stop, "We can't stop yet, it's not safe here, although we have gotten rid of those students' tracking, don't forget, they may have sent the news back to those students Peak master

, with their strength, they will be able to catch up soon after getting the news. We must leave the Qinglan Mountains as soon as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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