Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 715: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 715 Qi Tian Mutation ([-])

Zixia said confidently: "Don't worry, we don't need to hide anymore, I have a way to hide, even those who are strong in the supreme way can't find it."

Hearing what Zixia said, and understanding Zixia, Wukong knew that before entering Tianjian Pavilion, Zixia definitely had no such powerful means to avoid the detection of the Supreme Dao powerhouse. Since she said it so confidently, Wukong suddenly thought of a possibility.

Thinking of this possibility, Wukong stopped immediately, put Zixia down, stared at Zixia and Wukong asked seriously: "Could it be the opportunity you got in Tianjian Pavilion?"

Zixia raised her head, blinked her big eyes and said with a mysterious smile: "That's right, now I have recovered a little sword energy, which is enough for me to activate Tianjian Pavilion and let us in, hehe, Tianjian Pavilion is not Rift, but a powerful offensive spell
precious. "

"A powerful attacking magic weapon? Could it be a magic weapon of the level above Yuanyuan Lingbao?" Wukong asked in shock.

You must know that the strongest magic weapon that Wukong possesses today is only the primordial treasure. If what Zixia got was really a magic weapon above the original spirit treasure, then at least it would be at least two levels higher than her own strongest magic weapon. the chances are not small

Although he knew before that Tianjian Pavilion might be left by a strong man of the Dao of Nothingness, and knew that the treasure inside could not be too low, but when he really knew that Tianjian Pavilion was a magic weapon above the original spirit treasure, Wukong was not calm.

The magic treasures in the Hongmeng Sanctuary are divided into acquired spiritual treasures, acquired treasures, congenital spiritual treasures, congenital treasures, chaotic spiritual treasures, chaotic supreme treasures, Hongmeng spiritual treasures, Hongmeng supreme treasures, Hongmeng holy treasures, original spiritual treasures, original source treasures, and original holy treasures.

Generally speaking, it is not bad if one or two innate treasures can be born in the Tiandao universe. Very few Tiandao universes will have higher-level magic weapons. For example, the Ruyi golden cudgel and colorful stones obtained by Wukong in the prehistoric Tiandao universe are the best primordial treasures after they are unsealed. Hongmeng
The World Extinguisher and the Hongmeng Creation Fossil.

In fact, this kind of situation is that the high-level magic weapon has flowed from the high-level universe to the low-level universe, and it was not born in the low-level universe. high magic weapon wandering

In the lower universe, it will also be sealed by the rules of nothingness, otherwise the energy of the higher magic weapon is enough to cause the lower universe to collapse.

Wukong’s Hongmeng Destroyer Stick and Hongmengzao Fossil were not completely unsealed in the lower universe before, but the seal was loosened a little, and part of the previous memory and level were restored, but the power was far from the unsealed level. is now
It can't be achieved, this is mainly because of the limitations of Wukong's cultivation base, in fact, the seal of the Hongmeng Mieshi stick and the Hongmengzao fossil has not been completely released, this is because Mieshi and Haohua themselves don't know.

Generally speaking, it is not bad if one or two Chaos Spirit Treasures can be born at the highest level in the Dao Universe. Wait for the universe
The central government took the low-level magic weapon born in the universe to the Hongmeng Sanctuary, so the magic weapon obtained by the ascetics in the Hongmeng Sanctuary was born in the Hongmeng Sanctuary.

Generally, ascetics at the immortal level possess magic weapons of the acquired spiritual treasure level. Shinto ascetics correspond to acquired spiritual treasures, quasi-sages correspond to innate spiritual treasures, sages correspond to innate spiritual treasures, heavenly Taos correspond to chaotic spiritual treasures, avenues correspond to chaotic spiritual treasures, and the Supreme Dao early stage

Corresponds to the primordial spiritual treasure, the mid-term corresponds to the primordial treasure, the later period corresponds to the primordial holy treasure, the early stage of the Dao of Nothingness corresponds to the original spiritual treasure, the middle period corresponds to the original primordial treasure, and the later period corresponds to the original primordial holy treasure.

Each major level of these magic weapons is divided into four sub-levels: low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, and extreme-grade. The current highest level of the magic weapon owned by Wukong is the best-grade Hongmeng Zhibao. With Wukong's current cultivation base of the eighth level of the Dao, it is impossible to use its billions of points. one might,

Therefore, Zixia, who is weaker than Wukong, has a higher-level magic weapon, Zixia, and can't exert its power.

"Hey, it's the ultimate spiritual treasure. With my current cultivation base, I can't control it to launch an attack even in its heyday. Otherwise, I'm not afraid of the Supreme Dao powerhouses from Qingfeng Taoist Temple coming, but we can hide inside. training materials inside

The source is also very rich, enough to support the two of us to cultivate to the Supreme Dao fruit position. Now that I have recovered a little sword energy, I can activate the Tianjian Pavilion and let us in. Zixia nodded and said with a smile all over her face.

(End of this chapter)

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