Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 716: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 716 Qi Tian Mutation ([-])

"Hiss!" Taking a deep breath, although he guessed that the Tianjian Pavilion obtained by Zixia should at least be the original spirit treasure, Wukong was still shocked after being told by Zixia for sure.

After calming down his emotions, Wukong also knew that now is not the time to think so much, the crisis has not been resolved, and time is urgent, "Well, let's hide in Tianjian Pavilion for a while."

"Okay." Zixia said with a sweet smile.

Then Wukong felt a wave of energy emanating from Zixia's body, and a white light flashed in an instant, covering himself and Zixia. Inside the hall.

Looking around, the whole hall is empty, without much furniture, but the materials of these tables and chairs are not simple, they are all made of relatively high-grade Hongmeng spirit wood.

"Wukong, this is the inside of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion. The Heavenly Sword Pavilion is integrated with the space. It cannot be found from the outside, and even ordinary Void Dao experts will not be able to detect the existence of the Heavenly Sword Pavilion, so we will practice here from now on. strength

Go out after being strong, and then you won't be afraid of those peak masters of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. "Zixia smiled happily.

"En." Wukong nodded, suddenly Wukong thought of something, and quickly asked Zixia: "Zixia, since you have become the new owner of Tianjian Pavilion, what will you do with the blood killing curse among us before?" Can't use it?"

After thinking for a while, Zixia said regretfully: "I don't know how to kill the blood curse. The blood killing curse is an attack move that comes with Tianjian Pavilion. With my current cultivation base, I can at most bring some people in and out of Tianjian Pavilion. Unable to control the attack method of Tianjian Pavilion."

Seeing Wukong's disappointed expression, Zixia hurriedly continued: "However, after my cultivation base breaks through to Dao Dao, I can initially master the attack method of Tianjian Pavilion. The blood killing curse is the weakest one in Tianjian Pavilion. One of the means of attack, to
I can definitely cast the Blood Killing Curse at that time. "

For fear that Wukong would not believe it, Zixia affirmed and promised with a serious face.

Seeing Zixia's earnest face, very moving, Wukong was a little stunned, but soon Wukong reacted, and then Wukong secretly annoyed: "Why is my concentration so poor? But Zixia Although the appearance has not changed, but

More attractive than before. "

Taking a deep breath, Wukong said slowly: "Okay then, let's raise our cultivation first. With our little strength, we can't move even a single step in the small Qingfeng Taoist Temple, and we can't guarantee our own safety. How can we go to the whole world?" Hongmeng Sanctuary! Yes
I have to hurry up and practice. "

"Well, then let's choose some resources that suit us first, and practice in seclusion one after another." Zixia nodded in agreement.

Then Zixia led Wukong to the treasure house of Tianjiange for selection.

Looking at the mountains of grandmist spirit pills and grandmist spirit fruits, Wukong took a breath and said in shock: "It is worthy of the collection of the power of nothingness. There are so many high-quality grandmist spirits on the first floor of this treasure house alone." Lingdan and Hongmeng Lingguo, the worst
It is also a low-grade Hongmeng Lingdan and a top-grade Hongmeng Lingguo, which are a level higher than the highest ones I collected in my previous life. "

"These are very effective when used by the strong in the early days of the Supreme Dao, and the effect is even more significant on me and Zixia now, but the energy contained in it is too powerful. Use me and Zixia's cultivation base to practice It's a bit difficult to absorb, I'm okay to say, with
I am comparable to a powerful physical body of the first level of Supreme Dao. The energy is not enough to explode my body. I just need to slowly refine and absorb it, but you are different. "Speaking of this, Wukong turned around and said solemnly to Zixia.

(End of this chapter)

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