Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 718: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 718 Qi Tian Mutation ([-])

"It's so similar to 'kong'." Suddenly Wukong thought of a possibility, "couldn't 'kong' be complete, this small piece of jade and 'kong' were originally one." Restraining the ecstasy deep in his heart, Wukong hurriedly Turned out this piece of jade.

At this moment, Zixia poked her head out to stare at the jade in Wukong's hand and said suspiciously: "Wukong, is this jade stone that attracts you? It doesn't seem to be anything!? It's just a better quality Hongmeng jade."

"No, this is not an ordinary grandmist jade. As for what it is? I don't know very well, but I believe it is definitely not as simple as pure jade. Zixia, can you give me this jade?" Maybe it is the same as 'Kong' How could the one-piece jade be simple, but I haven't researched the mystery of 'emptiness' yet, so it's fine if I don't explain it so clearly for the time being, but this jade is Zixia's right now, so I can't just take it away.

Hearing what Wukong said, Zixia pretended to be angry and said, "I'm going to get angry if you see others like this again. Let's not say that you found this piece of jade in the low-quality magic treasure pile on the first floor. I don't mind if I found it in the third layer of high-quality magic weapon. Since it is destined for you, it should be able to play its value in your hands, and it is probably worthless in my hands. Besides, even if It is really a dusty treasure, so what if I give it to you? Or that sentence, it guides you to find it, I believe it can play its greatest value in your hands."

"Well, thank you, Zixia." Wukong stopped being hypocritical, so he put the jade away.

Then the two found some pills and spiritual fruits, and then Zixia led Wukong to another place.

There are ten houses here, and each house has a high-level spirit-gathering array inside. Even the first-order powerhouses of the Supreme Dao will definitely get twice the result with half the effort if they practice in it. There are two houses, the tenth highest floor is where ordinary first-order powerhouses of the Dao of Nothingness can practice in it with twice the result with half the effort.

With Zixia's current cultivation base, she can only open the barrier on the first floor of Juling Pagoda, and she can only practice on this first floor, but even this first floor is completely enough for the current Wukong and Zixia. used.

"Wukong, after entering the room, you will find a large five-pointed star on the ground, and there is a hole at the top of the five corners. Just put the spirit pill and fruit you got into it. The pentagram in the room The Spirit Gathering Formation can not only gather a large amount of primordial purple energy for us to absorb and practice, but also convert the spirit pills and fruits into a soft and pure energy for us to absorb, so there is no need to worry that my cultivation base is too low to refine and absorb those higher than My own level-limited elixir and fruit, and it can be absorbed [-]% without any waste." Zixia stood in front of No. [-] door, and explained to Wukong with her cheek turned sideways.

"So that's the case, no wonder you were full of confidence before, so there is such a good gathering of spirits, so let's hurry up and practice." Knowing that there is such a good gathering of spirits, Wukong couldn't wait to go in and practice.

After entering the No. [-] room and closing the door, Wukong didn't go to practice immediately, but immediately took out the piece of jade he just got, and took out 'Kong' at the same time.

As soon as 'Kong' was taken out, it trembled violently, as if very excited. The same thing happened to the jade at this time, and soon 'Kong' and the jade came out of Wukong's hands and flew towards Wukong. mid-air.

In mid-air, the jade revolved around the 'empty', as if a lost child had found its mother, and soon the two 'collided' together, as if the fusion between water and water, the two pieces of purple jade perfectly merged together.

In this way, the shape of 'empty' has not changed, but its volume has grown a lot.

'boom! Immediately after the fusion, the 'empty' burst out a purple light, and the primordial purple energy gathered around it immediately dispersed to the surroundings as soon as it touched the purple light.

When he found something was wrong, Wukong quickly took 'empty' into his Qitian universe.

(End of this chapter)

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