Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 719: Qi Tian Mutation

Chapter 719 Qi Tian Mutation (VIII)

Fortunately, Wukong took 'Kong' into the Qitian universe in time, otherwise he would have missed an opportunity against the heavens, and at the same time would have caused a fatal disaster. These are all things to come.

After 'Kong' entered the Qitian universe, the purple light still spread outwards at a very fast speed, and the light became more dazzling. The only difference is that the mysterious gas in the Qitian universe was not emitted by 'Kong' like the Primordial Purple Qi. come out purple
The light was repelled, but gradually merged with the purple light.

Time passed little by little, and soon the entire Qitian universe was filled with purple light, and it could be vaguely seen that the purple light was merging with the unknown light gray gas floating in the universe.

"It's shrinking again?" After putting 'Kong' into the Qitian universe, Wukong has been observing the movements of 'Kong'. He didn't expect 'Kong' to have such a big impact. Fortunately, he put it into his Qitian universe in time. Within the universe, at the same time Wukong discovered

Now the only continent in the Qitian universe is shrinking at an astonishing speed.

"Ah! My Xuanling Universe is actually merging with the Qitian Universe?" In addition, Wukong discovered another amazing thing, that is, his Qitian Universe and Xuanling Universe are merging.

No, rather than merging, it is better to say that the Qitian universe is devouring the Xuanling universe.

"Whether this is a good thing or not." Qi Tian universe didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. After thinking about it, Wukong was relieved again, "It should be a good thing, at least last time because of 'Kong' The reason for the Qitian universe has changed
, what brought me benefits, no harm. After the last mutation, the speed of absorbing, refining, and merging the Primordial Purple Qi has greatly increased. I don’t know what benefits it will bring this time. The movement this time is bigger than last , it is estimated that the benefits will not be too bad. "Said the last, Wukong is full of
Expectantly and quietly waiting for the end of Qi Tian Universe's mutation.

During the process of the Xuanling Universe being swallowed by the Qitian Universe, all the people from the Primordial Universe, including Hongjun who stayed in the Xuanling Universe, were teleported to the continent where the Qitian Universe was shrunk.

The continent in Qitian Universe has stopped shrinking at this time, and its area is about the same as the land area of ​​the earth that Wukong has seen before, but it is also enough to accommodate Hongjun and others.

Hongjun and others who had cultivated well in Xuanling Universe suddenly found that Xuanling Universe began to collapse, and then they were sent to this unseen continent by a mysterious force. sound explanation, dun
calmed down.

After calming down, Hongjun and his party began to look at the continent.

At this time, everything in the 360 ​​perfect life spaces and one imperfect life space of Xuanling Universe also began to merge with the continent of Qitian Universe. After the fusion, the area is also shrinking continuously. De Yu
There are no perfect rules in the universe, and no life forms were born in it.

In the end, Xuanling Universe completely became a part of Qi Tian Universe.

At this time, 'Kong' also stopped emitting purple light, quietly suspended in the core of the Qitian universe. After the mutation, the circulation of the Qitian universe is no longer gray gas, but a faint purple-gray gas.

At this time, Qitian Universe still only has one piece of land, but the area of ​​the continent at this time is almost a hundred times the land area of ​​the earth, and the soil is hundreds of times stronger than before.

Don't underestimate these hundreds of times. The previous continent could withstand a full-strength blow from the ordinary Great Dao Dzogchen without any damage, but now it can withstand a full-strength blow from an ordinary late-stage Supreme Daoist (seventh-level Supreme Dao) without any damage , after all

It fits the Xuanling Universe that Wukong evolved in his previous life, and Wukong's previous life was a powerhouse at the peak of the Supreme Dao.

If it weren't for the incomplete Xuanling Universe, the result would be even more impressive than it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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