Chapter 720 Separation ([-])

"This is the benefit that this mutation has brought me." As the Qitian universe gradually stabilized, Wukong himself began to undergo tremendous changes.

A mysterious feeling lingered in my heart, as if I had an epiphany.

Immediately, a powerful energy gushed out from the Qitian universe, wandering around Wukong's body. This energy was originally produced by Wukong's evolution of the Qitian universe, and it perfectly merged with Wukong's own energy, and there was no conflict at all. .

Soon Wukong's cultivation base was rising steadily under the impact of this energy.

"Kacha" Soon Wukong broke through the bottleneck of the eighth level of the Dao, and broke through to the ninth level of the Dao in one fell swoop, and the speed of improvement after that was still very fast.

"Weaken the growth of cultivation, strengthen the improvement of the body, soul, soul and other aspects." Suddenly a clear voice sounded in Wukong's mind.

"Who?" The sudden voice startled Wukong, he is now in a state of epiphany, if he is suddenly interrupted by a sneak attack, he will suffer.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just do what I say. It's good for you and not bad for you. We'll meet afterward." The voice replied flatly.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Wukong's intuition told himself that the other party really had no malice towards him.

"According to what he said, then I won't be able to break through to the Supreme Dao Status. This powerful energy gives me the feeling that if I use all my strength to sprint to the Supreme Dao Status, I can definitely break through to the Supreme Dao Status. , and even reach the supreme path in one fell swoop
At the peak of the first level, my physical body, soul, and primordial spirit can all be greatly improved by then. "

"However, I have a vague feeling that doing what he said will really benefit me a lot. Okay, let's take a gamble. The big deal is that it will be a while later to break through to the Supreme Dao Status." Of course Wukong didn't will simply believe in one

The stranger who didn't know the details, but I also have a feeling that it will definitely be beneficial to do so.

So Wukong then guided most of this energy to strengthen the body, soul, soul, etc., leaving only a very small part to improve his cultivation.

While Wukong was strengthening himself, Zixia was struggling with one thing, worrying about what decision to make.

Because not long ago, Zixia received a voice transmission from a person, and this person was Xuanyuan.

Previously, Zixia put the elixir and fruit into the pentagram spirit gathering array in Room [-] and was just about to sit down and practice, when suddenly a voice sounded in her mind: "Zixia, wait first, there is something that must be done." Let me tell you."

"Who? Who are you?" Zixia panicked when she heard a strange voice. She was in Tianjian Pavilion, and the other party knew that she was practicing here, and she could communicate with her, but she didn't notice the other party. , one can imagine
No matter how strong the opponent is, it is estimated that it is easy to kill him now.

The voices of the original owner of Tianjian Pavilion and the weapon spirit of Tianjian Pavilion are not like this, and the last Daoxuan avatar of the original owner of Tianjian Pavilion has also dissipated, and the weapon spirit of Tianjian Pavilion has also fallen into a deep sleep. It cannot be them, so who is it? ?
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I am your senior brother. To be precise, I should be your quasi-senior brother. Now I am the master of Qingfeng Taoist temple." Seemingly seeing through Zixia's thoughts, Xuan Yuan explained .

(End of this chapter)

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