Chapter 721 Separation ([-])

"Senior brother? Quasi-senior brother? Guanzhu?" Hearing these words, Zixia was shocked.

After being shocked, Zixia immediately reacted, and said slightly angrily to the void: "Hmph, do you think I'm an idiot? First, I didn't have a teacher at all, nor did I plan to, and no one told me to accept me as a student. Then where is my senior brother or quasi-teacher?

Brother, secondly, you said that you are the master of Qingfeng Daoist Temple. According to the information I have learned, the strongest in Qingfeng Town is at most the peak of the early stage of the Supreme Dao. I am not a mere Supreme Dao cultivator. Discovered and probed into the situation inside.and you
Don't pretend to be the disciple of Venerable Heavenly Sword. Although I have accepted the inheritance of swordsmanship, I am not his disciple. Say, who are you? "

It stands to reason that Zixia accepted the inheritance of kendo from Venerable Tianjian, the original owner of Tianjian Pavilion, and should be regarded as half of Venerable Tianjian's disciple, but Venerable Tianjian's Daoxuan avatar clearly stated that she was not Zixia's master before dissipating. It's just a predestined relationship with Zixia.

"Cut, what is Venerable Heavenly Sword? He is not worthy of being my disciple." Xuan Yuan said disdainfully, "As for the identity of the master of Qingfeng Taoist Temple, I was ordered by my teacher to come here to help you to get one temporarily." identity, otherwise such a remote little

How can there be treasures and inheritances of the powerful Dao of Nothingness in a small town, and it happens to be the way of swords that suits you. "

"And to put it bluntly, based on your previous cultivation and performance, you are not qualified to inherit the treasure and inheritance of Venerable Heavenly Sword, let alone get it so easily. There is a luck much stronger than you
people, otherwise I wouldn't help you. "

"What?" Hearing what Xuan Yuan said, Zixia was stunned, and her brain was a little bit overwhelmed.

Knowing that Zixia couldn't accept it for a while, Xuanyuan wisely didn't continue, but told Zixia to slow down.

After a period of struggling and thinking, Zixia believed a little bit what Xuanyuan said, but she still didn't fully believe it, "Since you said that I am too weak and my luck is not strong, as you said, Venerable Heavenly Sword Even those who are strong in the Dao of Nothingness are not worthy to be your disciples
Son, then you should also be a powerhouse of the Dao of Nothingness, and a relatively strong one of the Dao of Nothingness, then your master should not be bad. In this case, why did your master accept me as a disciple, and me and you Master have you met? "

"Of course my master is no worse than me, but he is much stronger than me." Speaking of his master's strength, Xuan Yuan's tone was full of respect and yearning.

Later, when he talked about why his master accepted Zixia as his apprentice, Xuan Yuan was a little hesitant to say it, but finally said it out, "As far as I know, my master and you have never met formally. Why did the old man accept you as an apprentice, I
At the beginning, I was also very puzzled, your luck is so low, even the Monkey King around you is much stronger than you, but after knowing that your integration with Dao is so high and you came to the Hongmeng Sanctuary, your cultivation base is in the short term. You've grown by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, and my opinion of you has changed a bit

I don’t know the quality of your Tao?If it is also very high, then I kind of understand why the master accepted you as an apprentice. "

"After coming to the Hongmeng Sanctuary? You, what do you know?" Zixia suddenly panicked. Did the other party pay attention to her since she was in the Hongmeng Outer Territory or even in the prehistoric era?So what is the purpose of the other party?Is it really simple
Do you want to take yourself as a disciple?

(End of this chapter)

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