Chapter 726 Awakening ([-])

"Is there a specific division of that level now? And what is the quality of that Tao?" Unexpectedly, going beyond the limit of the Tao would have so many benefits, Wukong was very excited, and couldn't help asking his own doubts.

"Don't interrupt what I'm saying, okay? I'll tell you what I have to say next, and if you have any questions after I've finished speaking, you can ask at that time." 'Kong' said a little dissatisfied.

"Sorry, I was excited at the moment, you continue to talk, hehe." Wukong apologized slightly embarrassed.

Wukong's apology made 'Kong' feel a little relieved, and then 'Kong' continued to explain: "The level beyond the limit of the Dao is also called half-respect, that is, half-step supreme. The name of the ultimate ascetic, but until now, this level has been planned for ten levels, that is, one star and a half to ten stars and a half, the highest known so far can only reach ten stars and a half, no matter how high No one can reach it, there are very few who can reach ten stars and a half, and even eight or nine stars are very rare."

"However, those who can reach eight, nine or even ten stars, if they don't fall halfway, will grow to the end and are now the peak powerhouses of the Hongmeng Sanctuary. As for the quality of the Tao, it is related to the degree of integration with the Tao. In the past, it was difficult for those whose fusion degree of the Tao was less than 30.00 to prove the fruit of the nihilistic Tao, even if they had a lot of high-level resources, but now why it is said that it is possible to prove it if it reaches [-]% (inclusive) or more. The fruit position of the Dao of Nothingness, even the fifth level of the Dao of Nothingness, the lowest level of the Primordial Master Hongmeng."

"In fact, this was caused by the improvement of the Tao quality of the later ascetics. If the quality of the Tao is high, it can make up for some defects of the low degree of integration with the Tao. The higher the quality of the Tao, the higher the degree of integration with the Tao. There are even more benefits, and these will be discovered by yourself in the future. The quality of Tao can only be initially formed after obtaining the supreme Tao fruit position, and only then can it be tested. The farther you go, the higher the quality of your Tao, but how far you can go depends on yourself."

"At this time, those who have a high degree of integration with Tao have some advantages. Generally speaking, the higher the degree of integration with Tao, the easier it is to go further. However, there are exceptions. Those with low integration with Tao can also go farther." Going further, in fact, this point is also related to the quality of the innate way."

"The higher the quality of the innate way, the easier it is to go farther. After reaching the Supreme Dao level, testing the quality of the way can distinguish the quality of the innate way and the quality of the acquired way. This is the emergence of the innate and acquired. The difference is that it is easier for those who are inherently high to comprehend their own Dao Seal of Nothingness at the half-deity level, instead of obtaining other Dao Seals of Nothingness. The benefit of comprehending your own Dao Seal of Nothingness is even greater. .”

"In fact, there is another reason why I don't let you break through now, that is, your Dao Seal of Nothingness was not realized by yourself, nor was it realized in your previous life, so you must comprehend your own Dao Seal of Nothingness in the future. In this way, you will have more room for growth, don’t think about breaking through earlier.”

"Actually, I haven't obtained the supreme dao status, and it's not impossible to find out the quality of the innate dao. Now some top forces in Hongmeng sanctuary have a way to find out. If I'm not too weak now, I can help you find out Yes, but the current me is not good enough, so you have to work harder to find out my other body, maybe I can find out the quality of your Tao at that time, and I can give you better guidance."

Wukong just nodded affirmatively after hearing this, and didn't make a sound to disturb.

"Since you and I are so predestined, and I have to count on you to help me recover my original body, I will tell you another secret about yourself and your magic weapon." 'Kong' thought for a while, and finally decided Tell Goku that secret.

"The secret about me and the magic weapon on me?" Frowning, Wukong didn't stay silent this time.

(End of this chapter)

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