Chapter 727 Awakening ([-])

'Kong' didn't get angry because of Wukong's interjection this time, he paused deliberately, waiting for Wukong's question, "Yes, although my body was separated from my core soul in the past, fortunately part of my body has mine

With a breath of soul, I learned the secrets about you and your magic weapon from that part of your body. "

"Actually, your dao foundation is incomplete. Strictly speaking, it should be that your dao foundation in your previous life was incomplete. Since you have been reincarnated, your dao foundation is still incomplete. According to my estimation, your current dao foundation is even [-]% of what it was in its heyday. None of them are as strong as Daoji's
It weakly affects everything about the ascetics. For example, with your current Dao foundation, if you take the half-respected path, it will take about four Hongmeng years of practice to prove the supreme Dao status. This achievement can only be achieved in Wangcheng. It can be regarded as upper middle class. "

"Ordinary urban monks (with a degree of integration of Tao of 30.00%) can prove the fruit of the Dao in 1000 years, and they can be regarded as peerless geniuses if they can prove the supreme fruit of the Tao in ten Hongmeng years. Taoists in cities and towns (the integration of Tao is 40.00% ) 200-year certificate

To obtain the Dao fruit position, it is considered a peerless genius to obtain the supreme Tao fruit position in six Hongmeng years, and it is considered a peerless genius to be a Taoist monk in Wangcheng (the fusion degree of Tao is 50.00%) for 50 years. Peerless genius. "

"Emperor City (the fusion degree of Dao is 60.00%) has proved the Dao Fruit Status in ten years, and the Supreme Dao Fruit Status in 70.00 million years is regarded as a peerless genius. Thousands of years to prove the Supreme Dao Fruit Status
It is a peerless genius. "

"The four supreme sanctuaries live in the four major races of the Hongmeng Sanctuary, and the descendants of each race are peerless geniuses at the top of the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary. star field
The peerless genius in the Holy City is poor. "

"The four supreme holy realms can be called peerless geniuses (90.00% integration of Dao) who are just born to be supreme Dao powerhouses. They will be able to prove Hongmeng Shengzun within a thousand years, and unsurpassed Daozun within ten thousand years. However The population ratio of the four major races
They are relatively rare, and they have been bred for countless Hongmeng years, and the total number is only a little over [-] million. "

Those who can prove the Supreme Dao Status are generally not mediocre. There are many factors to determine whether they are peerless geniuses. Whether they can obtain the Dao Seal of Nothingness is also one of the ways to judge. The Dao Seal of Nothingness obtained through other methods depends on luck and chance ,

It depends on comprehension and talent to comprehend through oneself.

The explanation of 'Kong' is still going on, "With your prosperous Dao foundation, in fact, you were the supreme Dao fruit position when you were born, and your real identity is actually a member of the four holy clans, destroying your Dao foundation and bringing you The person you went to Hongmeng Outland is exactly

Lu Tian, ​​don't underestimate this person. It is estimated that the dominance of the Four Great Saint Clans will be threatened in the near future. "

"The other thing is that the magic weapons of your previous life and your two sworn brothers in your previous life are actually still in the seal, and even their memories have been sealed, but don't worry, you are lucky to meet me. i hurt

If the situation is better, I will have a way to help you restore Daoji and help your magic weapon to break the seal. "Speaking of the last, 'Kong' said very proudly.

"Lu Tian, ​​the karma between you and me will be settled sooner or later." Lowering his head, Wukong vowed fiercely.

Soon Wukong calmed down, and then he said frantically: "There are so many geniuses in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, let alone the peerless geniuses of the four great saint clans, even those peerless geniuses from the royal city, the imperial city and the holy city also need it." Now the road foundation is damaged

I've worked really hard to keep up with and surpass, but that's what makes it interesting. "

The explanation of "Kong" made Wukong's vision gradually enlarged, and he was very excited at the same time.

At this moment, 'Kong' interjected: "The ones I told you before are only peerless geniuses in that area, not the top geniuses."

Slightly taken aback, Wukong laughed loudly and said, "This is better, it's better to have stronger geniuses, haha."

Then Wukong thought of something, and muttered to himself: "The degree of fusion between Zixia and Xiaoling is far superior to those of the peerless geniuses in the imperial city, especially Zixia, who has reached the standard of the peerless geniuses of the four holy clans." , I can't be caught up by them and
And far behind! "

 Tomorrow, I will go out to participate in the OPPO mobile phone conference, and I will be back very late, so I won’t be able to update it tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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