Chapter 728 One against a hundred ([-])

"Don't worry, with me to help you, you won't be caught up so easily by them, and the Zixia you mentioned is just that the degree of integration of Dao has reached the standard of a peerless genius of the four holy clans, but the quality of Dao is not necessarily the same. reached, the four saints
The quality of the Dao of Geniuses is not low, even though the degree of integration of the Dao of those imperial cities is far inferior to that of Zixia, maybe the quality of their Dao is much higher than hers, it is not certain who is better. "'Kong' said casually, with a very confident tone.

"Thank you, but I won't be easily surpassed by them. Since I was a member of the Four Great Saint Clans in my previous life, my goal is to surpass the top geniuses of the Four Great Saint Races." Wukong said proudly.

"It's good to have ambition, but you need to be prepared to pay a considerable price." 'Kong' said very appreciatively.

"That's natural." Of course, Wukong knew that it was not so easy to surpass those top geniuses, and it couldn't be done without paying a big price. Even if he paid a big price, it wouldn't be so easy to do.

"Then hurry up and practice, time is running out." 'Kong' said mysteriously, as if there was something to be said.

"Time is running out? I'm in Tianjian Pavilion now, so I don't need to worry about those Supreme Dao powerhouses for the time being. Although time is not enough, it's not so urgent that we have to race against time, right? Do you have anything to tell me?
Yes, and you haven't told me the division criteria of the ten levels of demi-zun, which level do I belong to now? "Wukong also sensed that there was something in the words of 'Kong', and asked suspiciously.

"It won't be long before you will know." 'Kong' deliberately stimulated Wukong's appetite.

Wukong had no choice but to withdraw Daoxuan out of the Qitian universe with suspicion, and returned to himself, and then began to operate the nine-turn Xuangong, and began to frantically absorb the primordial purple energy absorbed by the refining and fusion spirit gathering array.

As he practiced, Wukong found that it was difficult for him to improve at this time, so he could only use the refined Primordial Purple Qi to blend into his body to transform his own physique. just used up

The body transformed by the power brought about by the mutation of the universe, Wukong's body has only hundreds of thousands of cells that have been successfully transformed and strengthened at this time. To complete the transformation of the whole body, I don't know how much primordial purple energy is needed, and I don't know how much it will cost. long time.

This kind of transformation method is understood by Wukong from the nine-turn Xuangong, and even if the whole body transformation is completed, it is only elementary. Wukong calls it the nine-turn Hongmeng body. is not enough, need

A higher level of grandmist holy liquid, but grandmist holy liquid does not exist in Qingfeng Town.

I read from the Zhang family's books that Hongmeng Holy Liquid can only appear in secret realms above the Mysterious Rank and above, and the highest secret realm in Qingfeng Town is only a top-ranked secret realm of the Yellow Rank. level city
The pool has a chance to get it.

The secret realm is divided into five major grades: Yellow Rank, Mysterious Rank, Earth Rank, Heaven Rank, and Hongmeng Rank. Each major rank is divided into four minor ranks: low rank, middle rank, top rank, and extreme rank. In some places, the minor ranks can still Subdivide into several smaller levels.

A few days later, Wukong received a voice transmission from Zixia, saying that he had something to tell him.

After coming out of room two, she saw Zixia standing at the door feeling a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Wukong coming out, Zixia moved her lips, wanting to say something, but she seemed reluctant to say it, her expression was very conflicted.

"Zixia, what's the matter with you? What's the matter?" Noticing Zixia's expression, Wukong asked suspiciously.

 The double festival is approaching, the business in the store is relatively busy, there will be little time to write these days, and there is someone, I have already told you, I am not a professional writer, I don’t have so much time to write every day, don’t be there every day Curse me to death here, if you have any questions, you can ask in the group, the group number is 240818637, if you think you paid for it, you can watch the pirated version, anyway, I don’t have any royalties, I didn’t make you money, I didn’t ask you to play Thank you, don’t rush me, I just want to finish the Wukong novel, thank you for your cooperation, I wish you all a happy double festival
(End of this chapter)

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