Chapter 729 One against a hundred ([-])

Finally, as if she had made up her mind, Zixia raised her head, looked at Wukong with extremely complicated eyes, and said slowly, "Wukong, I think."

Biting her lips, Zixia finished in one breath, "I think we need to separate temporarily, please listen to me first, I got the treasure, and their goal is only me, I know you don't care about this, but I care, i don't want to be
Your burden, I am too weak now, I don’t want to be protected by you all the time, I need to grow up by myself, I hope one day I can fight side by side with you, I really really don’t want to be your burden all the time . "

In the end, Zixia's tears fell down one by one like broken pearls.

Then Zixia pounced on Wukong, hugged Wukong's shoulder and began to cry, Wukong was shocked by Zixia's sudden decision, but soon Wukong was relieved, her own protection was really not conducive to Zixia's future growth, before myself
I have thought about letting Zixia and Xiaoling go out to explore the world by themselves.

But I was worried about their safety, so I didn't bring it up in the end. Now it seems that I can't do that. It's time to let go. With Zixia's various performances in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, I believe their luck is absolutely Extraordinary, can't say
Zixia was also a great strongman in her previous life, maybe Xiao Ling was exiled from a powerful race in the Hongmeng Sanctuary to the inferior universe.

Only by allowing them to go alone can they have more room for growth, and being protected by themselves will restrict their growth to some extent, and they will have to let Xiaoling and the others practice on their own after they go back.

Raising his hand to caress Zixia's hair, Wukong said softly: "Since you want to go out and experience yourself, then go boldly. I believe that one day you will fight side by side with me. I will wait for you!" .”

After crying for a while, Zixia left Wukong's embrace, raised her head and said firmly, "I won't let you wait too long."

Raising his hand to gently wipe away the tears on Zixia's cheeks, Wukong said with a serious face, "I believe in you."

Just like this, the two looked at each other, as if time had frozen, and everything was silent.

Time passed quietly like this, and I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a long time, and it seemed like a moment later, the two finally spoke to say their final goodbyes.

"Wukong, let's separate here. I heard the Qingfeng Taoist Academy passing by talking about us before. The peak masters of the outer courtyard and the managers of the inner courtyard who are the supreme Taoists will not deal with us due to certain restrictions. at most

It is the elite academy in the inner courtyard who will attack us. If that is the case, after you go out, even if they still find you trouble because of me, I believe that with your strength, there will be no danger, and you can hone yourself instead. "

Staying in the Tianjian Pavilion, Zixia can observe the surrounding scene outside, but these are not what Zixia learned from chatting with passing students. These days, Zixia has been entangled in whether to separate from Wukong, and has not paid attention to the outside world at all. Condition,

Xuanyuan told Zixia this news.

Because of Xuan Yuan's deterrence, those supreme masters outside did not dare to take action easily, so they could only send their family's children who were students in Qingfeng Taoist Temple to take action, but they would not say that they did that because they were afraid of Xuan Yuan ,and

It was done that way because of the previous agreement, so that those students became more at ease and bold.

Originally, they were still afraid that those supreme powers would come to step in, but now they don't have to worry about it.

The reason why Zixia didn't tell about Xuanyuan was because Xuanyuan repeatedly asked her not to reveal some information about him to others before Zixia became stronger.

"Well, then you have to be careful, practice hard first, and then go out after you can master a part of Tianjian Pavilion, by the way..." Then Wukong briefly told Zixia about the half-respect that surpassed the limit of the Dao. 'Empty' information, Satoru
But Kong didn't say anything, because 'Kong' also reminded Wukong not to disclose his information to anyone.

"Hee hee, I already know this." Zixia said with a smile.

Wukong was taken aback when he heard this, but he quickly figured it out. Zixia got the inheritance from Tianjian Pavilion, so it is not surprising that she knows the level of Banzun. Besides, people in the Zhang family probably know the level of Banzun, but she doesn’t have it. from them
Just learned, this should not be a secret, it's because I rarely see it and it's strange.

Just as Wukong thought, Zixia learned about it from the inheritance in Tianjian Pavilion, and knew that the level of half-honored ones was a basic common sense in the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary, so there was no doubt why Wukong knew it, and only thought that he was from Zhang Zixia. home learned


After the separation, Wukong did not return to Yaoguang Peak immediately, but continued to choose to do tasks in Qinglan Mountains.

 Someone, I really don’t know what to say to you. Since you think I’m dead, then I’ll die for ten days and a half months. I’m so busy today, and I took a little time to write, but I’m still there Curse me anyway, I don’t owe you anything, I love it or not, I didn’t force you to read it, I repeat, I have my own business, I have my own family, I’m not a professional writer, I don’t have any royalties, if it wasn’t for the completion The promise I made at the beginning, I have long ago eunuched the book. If it hadn't been put on the shelf to sign the contract, I wouldn't update it here, and only update it in the group for readers who understand me
(End of this chapter)

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