Chapter 730 One against a hundred ([-])

Nine Heavens Ganoderma lucidum Wukong had already taken more than a dozen plants in Tianjiange, and the task had already been completed, so it stands to reason that he should return to Yaoguang Peak to take over the task.

But the current situation is special, and it is not possible to return to Yaoguang Peak for the time being, although Zixia said that she learned from the conversations of several passing Qingfeng Taoist Academy that those supreme Taoists might not attack him because of some kind of agreement.

Moreover, he was not the one who obtained the treasure and inheritance, but there is no guarantee that this is not a conspiracy of those people, but the fake news they deliberately released. After all, the treasure and inheritance were left by the powerhouse of the Dao of Nothingness. With such great benefits, Not guaranteed
Those people really wouldn't attack him, after all he was the one who rescued Zixia, and if they want to get the treasure and inheritance, they will definitely look for clues from themselves.

Therefore, I can't shake Guangfeng for the time being. Anyway, I have remembered the completion conditions of some other tasks before. Although there is no next one, I can also complete the conditions of the task first, and then continue after returning, and then directly hand over the task to get the reward.

At this time, Wukong had already left the main vein of the Qinglan Mountains, and was wandering in one of the branch veins on the edge.

On this day, under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, a group of Qingfeng Taoist students suddenly appeared. There were more than 40 people. Extremely state-of-the-art

It has reached the peak of Dao Dzogchen, but none of them has reached the limit, let alone surpassed the limit and reached the half-respect.

With such strength, Wukong didn't take it seriously at all, and had no intention of avoiding them on purpose, not to mention that they were far away from him, and with their level of divine consciousness and holy thoughts, they couldn't find him for the time being.

However, Wukong was walking in the opposite direction to them, and if he didn't find it now, he would find out sooner or later.

Finally, the group of people found Wukong, but instead of rushing over immediately, they stopped and hid. They thought that Wukong hadn't found them, because they found that Wukong had no intention of turning around and fleeing, but walked toward them without vigilance.

Walking to the position, in order not to startle the enemy, they chose to hide and attack suddenly.

"This group of people is too weak, and I can't let me use it at all, so I can't confirm the level of my current combat power?" Wukong didn't care about the hiding of the group of people at all, and was a little disappointed.

"Huh?" Suddenly Wukong's slightly disappointed expression became a little excited.

Because Wukong suddenly discovered two groups of people. Although the number of people in one group is only three, everyone's cultivation base has surpassed the limit of Dao Dzogchen and reached the level of half-honored. Wukong is not very clear

Chu, after all, I don't know much about half-respects, and I don't even know which level I belong to now.

Although I don't know what level the three demigods have reached, Wukong doesn't feel that those three are weaker than Lu Peng, the inner court elite before. Obviously, these three are also inner court elites.

As for the other group of about 50 people, there are actually a few acquaintances among them, it is Lu Peng and his clansmen. The comprehensive strength of this group is obviously much stronger than that of the first group.

The worst is also the cultivation base of the late Dao Perfection, some reached the peak of the Great Dao Dzogchen, a few reached the limit of the Great Dao Dzogchen, and there was a semi-respected powerhouse who was not weaker than Lu Peng and surpassed the limit side by side with Lu Peng. Walk.

These two groups are obviously going in the direction of the first group. They are really lucky. They have the opportunity to test their current strength so soon. I only hope that those who surpass the limit will not be too bad. .

Feeling better, Wukong swaggered towards the area where the first group of people were.

 Happy National Day to everyone
(End of this chapter)

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